• 03-11-2010
    The Official SoonerBS vs daveperkins thread
    because these threads appear to be a requirement.

    although there is one thing about this matchup that is different from all the other VERSUS epics.

    This matchup will actually take place. :-)

    SoonerBS, tell me the name of that resort/golf course again? I found Thackerville, even the big RV center my dad stays at, on Google Earth. Lots of indian casinos show up, but didn't get a glimpse of the golf course itself.

    The town of Thackerville is inside an almost circular loop of the Red River. It should actually be in Texas, and would be if Oklahomans could draw straight lines..


    I dunno when my dad is gonna be back in T-ville, but I was going to go play golf with him in Arizona next month anyways. Let's do this thing!

    will a mod please make this sticky?
  • 03-11-2010
    It is called Winstar, Dave.
  • 03-11-2010
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]It is called Winstar, Dave.[/QUOTE]

    found it.

    On Google Earth, the course is a big dirtpile with lines marked out for holes and hazards. I reckon they've finished it since then.... :-)
  • 03-12-2010
    Dave, Noshuz and FD walked in their matchup, but you and are going to do ours the right way . . . . . . . we're renting a cart.

  • 03-12-2010
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]Dave, Noshuz and FD walked in their matchup, but you and are going to do ours the right way . . . . . . . we're renting a cart.


    I want a Segway with big tires.. the Paul Blart golf cart.
  • 03-12-2010
    [QUOTE=daveperkins]I want a Segway with big tires..[/QUOTE]

    And, a cooler . . . . . . . (or a cart girl with cold beer and big titties).
  • 03-12-2010
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]And, a cooler . . . . . . . (or a cart girl with cold beer and big titties).[/QUOTE]

    If she shows, I'm hiring her as my caddy. :-)
  • 03-12-2010

    as a first, the SoonerBS/daveperkins match will feature on course video of the finest moments, youtubed for your viewing pleasure a day or two afterwards. The two of us might conspire to withhold the results until the video is available. But probably not.
  • 03-12-2010
    Do we have a date?
  • 03-12-2010

    as a first, the SoonerBS/daveperkins match will feature on course video of the finest moments, youtubed for your viewing pleasure a day or two afterwards. The two of us might conspire to withhold the results until the video is available. But probably not.[/QUOTE]

    I remember you posting some of your video work awhile back. I can't wait.
  • 03-13-2010
    No date yet. Soon... don't want to wait too long or else global warming will kick in and it will be (like every summer) 100 degrees out there.
  • 03-19-2010
    Dave, when is Winter going to finally end around here? This is pissing me off!! [img]http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/angry22.gif[/img]
  • 03-20-2010
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]Dave, when is Winter going to finally end around here? This is pissing me off!! [img]http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/angry22.gif[/img][/QUOTE]

    I could see this coming from a mile away. This match will never happen. We'll hear one excuse after another. "oh, it's soooo cold" or "I still can't see grass". Real men like me and Noshuz play regardless of the weather. We were the only ones on the course with tarenchal rains coming down, lightening and an asian dentist with expenseive clubs and bag. Tee it up or shut up. Did I spell torrential right?
  • 03-20-2010
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]Dave, when is Winter going to finally end around here? This is pissing me off!! [img]http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/angry22.gif[/img][/QUOTE]

    Tell me about it. I just had two nice fishing days down in East Texas, enjoyed thurs and fri out on a lake, then this morning we get howling winds, a few snow flurries and temps in the mid thirties...

    premature end to nice fishing week.. ick...

    March.. in like a lion, out like a piss*d off hungry lion.
  • 03-20-2010
    [QUOTE=famousdavis]I could see this coming from a mile away. This match will never happen. We'll hear one excuse after another. "oh, it's soooo cold" or "I still can't see grass". Real men like me and Noshuz play regardless of the weather. We were the only ones on the course with tarenchal rains coming down, lightening and an asian dentist with expenseive clubs and bag. Tee it up or shut up. Did I spell torrential right?[/QUOTE]

    feck yis, FD... I had better things to do this week... been fishin'... :-) and now it's blowing thirty mph out there and 35 degrees. Somebody else can have my share of this sheite.

    btw what the hell is tarenchal rain?

    Is it anything like 'torrential'?

    two words-- spell czech.
  • 03-20-2010
    [QUOTE=daveperkins]Tell me about it. I just had two nice fishing days down in East Texas, enjoyed thurs and fri out on a lake, then this morning we get howling winds, a few snow flurries and temps in the mid thirties...

    premature end to nice fishing week.. ick...

    March.. in like a lion, out like a piss*d off hungry lion.[/QUOTE]
    been in the 80's here in phoenix going to be a long summer been too nice too long
  • 03-25-2010

    I can get free most weekdays, although it seems tuesday or thursday is best for me.. what about you? Let's get this thing on the calendar now that the evils of global warming have (finally) arrived... give the course a few more days to grow some green grass and let's hit it!
  • 03-25-2010

    I can get free most weekdays, although it seems tuesday or thursday is best for me.. what about you? Let's get this thing on the calendar now that the evils of global warming have (finally) arrived... give the course a few more days to grow some green grass and let's hit it![/QUOTE]

    Sooner has been pretty philosphical lately. I'm not sure if it's related to this match or not. Enough talk...get out there and play.
  • 03-25-2010
    [QUOTE=famousdavis]Sooner has been pretty philosphical lately. I'm not sure if it's related to this match or not. Enough talk...get out there and play.[/QUOTE]

    what part of "let's put this on the calendar" do you not understand?
  • 03-30-2010

    behold my mightiness, and despair of your chances in this match!!! MMMmmooouhahahaaaa

    <object width="800" height="450"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=10544263&amp;server=vimeo.com&amp;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=10544263&amp;server=vimeo.com&amp;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="800" height="450"></embed></object><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/10544263">Range time..</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user360700">Dave Perkins</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

    And Lorenzo... If I can post this sheite and laugh about it, you need to shed your inhibitions and go for it..

    btw... with all you guys rendering judgment and insult on fat people, I want it on the record that in this vid I am FORTY pounds lighter than the one from end of year...

    me, I'm just trying to get back my health and stay alive... but if you want to believe it's because you shamed me, be my guest. :-)
  • 03-30-2010
    I'm doomed . . . . I can't juggle.

    Dave, you have just put to shame all former efforts of posters on this site to post videos of their golf swing. This was a masterpiece . . . . . [img]http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/handshake.gif[/img]
  • 03-30-2010
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]I'm doomed . . . . I can't juggle.

    Dave, you have just put to shame all former efforts of posters on this site to post videos of their golf swing. This was a masterpiece . . . . . [img]http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/handshake.gif[/img][/QUOTE]

    heh heh.. "I'm doomed" that's exactly the mind set I want you to have on the first tee, amigo... I may juggle in the background while you tee off...

  • 03-30-2010
    Hey DP, congrats on the weight loss. Just don't go all soft on us like JD did when he lost all his weight.
  • 03-30-2010
    Good Job Dave and congrats on the weight loss! I've lost 35 lbs in the last year and a half. Doesn't it feel good to not get in the way of yourself? For all of you that has had the "belly" you know what I mean. :D
    Where are you at? It looks like Texas.
  • 03-30-2010
    [QUOTE=noshuz]Good Job Dave and congrats on the weight loss! I've lost 35 lbs in the last year and a half. Doesn't it feel good to not get in the way of yourself? For all of you that has had the "belly" you know what I mean. :D
    Where are you at? It looks like Texas.[/QUOTE]

    thanks nosh.. :-)

    DFW, right next to the airport... crap range but closer to my house than the golf course range.
  • 03-30-2010
    [QUOTE=KoolCat]Hey DP, congrats on the weight loss. Just don't go all soft on us like JD did when he lost all his weight.[/QUOTE]

    Thanks KC..

    not sure how I can go any more soft than I already was.. :-)
  • 03-30-2010
    Just keep on, keepin' on "You greedy evil racist bastard!"
  • 03-30-2010
    [QUOTE=KoolCat]Just keep on, keepin' on "You greedy evil racist bastard!"[/QUOTE]

    Will do, Komrade. :-)
  • 04-02-2010

    this Thursday? Friday? Sooner is better.. :-) Let's do this.

    p.s. my dad's still in Flagstaff.. feel free to bring some other guys to fill the group.. I ain't shy.. :-)
  • 04-02-2010

    this Thursday? Friday? Sooner is better.. :-) Let's do this.

    p.s. my dad's still in Flagstaff.. feel free to bring some other guys to fill the group.. I ain't shy.. :-)[/QUOTE]

    Dave, I have new shafts coming in for my MP-52s this next week and while I am in the "clubmaker's" mood, I have also ordered some new grips for my MP-67s and I am going disassemble them, spine align them, and put them together with new grips and epoxy. So, I have to have a couple of weeks to test them and try the 52s out with the new Nippon shafts. In other words, I have some "tuning" to do on my equipment.

    I'm looking more along the lines of the 22nd or 23rd. Check it out and let me know what you think. If we kind of decide and set our minds on those times, I will be checking Golfnow out to get us a tee time and discounted rate at Windstar.
  • 04-03-2010
    Not a hacker
    Very smooth looking swing you got there big fella. Nice rhythm and tempo. Funny that I watched this today, as at my course today I rediscovered the importance of rhythm and tempo myself. In all the technical mumbo jumbo, it's easy to forget the importance of a good tempo and rhythm in the swing. I've inadvertently sped up my tempo lately and today I concentrated on getting it back to a nice slow tempo, completing the backswing then coming back into the ball in a flowing rhythmic motion. And I hit the ball consistently sweeter than I have in months. I just couldn't help but hit it flush out of the middle every time I got a good tempo. From now on it will be my main focus on the course. I may need to make minor technical adjustments as I go, but as long as the tempo and rhythm remain constant, not much can go wrong.
  • 04-03-2010
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]Dave, I have new shafts coming in for my MP-52s this next week and while I am in the "clubmaker's" mood, I have also ordered some new grips for my MP-67s and I am going disassemble them, spine align them, and put them together with new grips and epoxy. So, I have to have a couple of weeks to test them and try the 52s out with the new Nippon shafts. In other words, I have some "tuning" to do on my equipment.

    I'm looking more along the lines of the 22nd or 23rd. Check it out and let me know what you think. If we kind of decide and set our minds on those times, I will be checking Golfnow out to get us a tee time and discounted rate at Windstar.[/QUOTE]

    sure.. and I'll be taking a series of lessons from Hank Haney at his facility here in Dallas, and playing some practice rounds with Rory Sabbatini at Colonial-- so yeah, it's better if it's a few weeks, so I'll have time to get all this in.. :-))

    let's shoot for the 22nd, book a time and tell ourselves we're on!
  • 04-03-2010
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]Very smooth looking swing you got there big fella. Nice rhythm and tempo. Funny that I watched this today, as at my course today I rediscovered the importance of rhythm and tempo myself. In all the technical mumbo jumbo, it's easy to forget the importance of a good tempo and rhythm in the swing. I've inadvertently sped up my tempo lately and today I concentrated on getting it back to a nice slow tempo, completing the backswing then coming back into the ball in a flowing rhythmic motion. And I hit the ball consistently sweeter than I have in months. I just couldn't help but hit it flush out of the middle every time I got a good tempo. From now on it will be my main focus on the course. I may need to make minor technical adjustments as I go, but as long as the tempo and rhythm remain constant, not much can go wrong.[/QUOTE]

    It's awkward going back... that's because I'm built funny, very long body and short legs for my size... plus my gut and my bad knees and all... and I take it back too far at the top, slop in the hands...

    but I redeem most of that coming back down to the ball... long as I stay balanced, don't rush things and finish vertical, I usually hit it clean... and because I"m so big, I get decent distance without being the best, technique-wise... a long swing arc is just natural... good pop at the bottom...

    now if I only had a short game...

    but I"m glad I was able to help you... :-) not that I'd recommend anyone learning anything from my swing..
  • 04-03-2010
    Do you guys have a date for the match? What's going on?
  • 04-03-2010
    Not a hacker
    [QUOTE=daveperkins]It's awkward going back... that's because I'm built funny, very long body and short legs for my size... plus my gut and my bad knees and all... and I take it back too far at the top, slop in the hands...

    but I redeem most of that coming back down to the ball... long as I stay balanced, don't rush things and finish vertical, I usually hit it clean... and because I"m so big, I get decent distance without being the best, technique-wise... a long swing arc is just natural... good pop at the bottom...

    now if I only had a short game...

    but I"m glad I was able to help you... :-) not that I'd recommend anyone learning anything from my swing..[/QUOTE]
    I can see that your swing is a bit long and there are probably lots of other technical issues that are beyond my limited golf comprehension, I was just noting your good rhtyhm and tempo, which IMO can make up for alot of technical deficiencies.

    P.S. Don't listen too much to Hank, if he knew anything about the golf swing he'd be out playing for a living instead of fleecing wood ducks (not you of course). Getting to play practice rounds with Rory would be a great learning experience though. Providing you are actually doing this and you aren't having a lend of us. Not that anyone on GR would do that, would they Spank?
  • 04-03-2010

    behold my mightiness, and despair of your chances in this match!!! MMMmmooouhahahaaaa

    <object width="800" height="450"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=10544263&amp;server=vimeo.com&amp;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=10544263&amp;server=vimeo.com&amp;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="800" height="450"></embed></object><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/10544263">Range time..</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user360700">Dave Perkins</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

    And Lorenzo... If I can post this sheite and laugh about it, you need to shed your inhibitions and go for it..

    btw... with all you guys rendering judgment and insult on fat people, I want it on the record that in this vid I am FORTY pounds lighter than the one from end of year...

    me, I'm just trying to get back my health and stay alive... but if you want to believe it's because you shamed me, be my guest. :-)[/QUOTE]

    That's one of the worst look driving ranges I've ever seen. I think Larry's outdoor deck is better than this.
  • 04-03-2010
    [QUOTE=famousdavis]Do you guys have a date for the match? What's going on?[/QUOTE]

    We're going to shoot for the 22nd . . . . .
  • 04-03-2010
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]I can see that your swing is a bit long and there are probably lots of other technical issues that are beyond my limited golf comprehension, I was just noting your good rhtyhm and tempo, which IMO can make up for alot of technical deficiencies.

    P.S. Don't listen too much to Hank, if he knew anything about the golf swing he'd be out playing for a living instead of fleecing wood ducks (not you of course). Getting to play practice rounds with Rory would be a great learning experience though. Providing you are actually doing this and you aren't having a lend of us. Not that anyone on GR would do that, would they Spank?[/QUOTE]

    Announcement --

    I was having you on about Colonial, Rory and Haney.

    I was responding in an 'over the top' fashion to Sooner's ambitious and somewhat intimidating plans to make his already superb clubs even more perfect.

    All I need is more 'mizuno moments' from him at inopportune times, say between holes 1 and 18 of our match. This is an ironic comment, because actually I DON"T need these things.

    That is all.


    p.s. thanks for the compliment on rhythm. It does make up for much that is wrong. If i strike the ball in the center of the clubface and I'm not rushing or lurching through the motion, I get more or less straight shots. Certainly the middle of the green is reasonable, although I never was any good at tight pins. But I don't hit a lot of wild hooks and slices with irons... that tempo is critical.
  • 04-03-2010
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]We're going to shoot for the 22nd . . . . .[/QUOTE]

  • 04-04-2010
    Not a hacker
    [QUOTE=daveperkins]Announcement --

    [B]I was having you on about Colonial, Rory and Haney.[/B]

    I was responding in an 'over the top' fashion to Sooner's ambitious and somewhat intimidating plans to make his already superb clubs even more perfect.

    All I need is more 'mizuno moments' from him at inopportune times, say between holes 1 and 18 of our match. This is an ironic comment, because actually I DON"T need these things.

    That is all.


    p.s. thanks for the compliment on rhythm. It does make up for much that is wrong. If i strike the ball in the center of the clubface and I'm not rushing or lurching through the motion, I get more or less straight shots. Certainly the middle of the green is reasonable, although I never was any good at tight pins. But I don't hit a lot of wild hooks and slices with irons... that tempo is critical.[/QUOTE]
    I thought this was a possibility, but I know Haney coaches in your part of the world, and I know guys like him treat the colour of everybody's money the same. Didn't know how oyu could have swung a practice match with Rory and got onto Colonial, but thought it may have been one of those clinics or a charity day where a name player zips around in a cart and plays a couple of shots with each group. I was sort of hoping you were telling the truth as it wold have been cool to get a first hand appraisal of the great man (I mean Rory not Hank).
  • 04-04-2010
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]I thought this was a possibility, but I know Haney coaches in your part of the world, and I know guys like him treat the colour of everybody's money the same. Didn't know how oyu could have swung a practice match with Rory and got onto Colonial, but thought it may have been one of those clinics or a charity day where a name player zips around in a cart and plays a couple of shots with each group. I was sort of hoping you were telling the truth as it wold have been cool to get a first hand appraisal of the great man (I mean Rory not Hank).[/QUOTE]

    I"ve played Las Colinas once, the home of the Byron Nelson.. it was an exchange day between members of the club I belonged to and their members... but I've quit that club due to increasing costs and now I'm nobody again, as it should be..:-) The only way I'll get back on Las Colinas is to buy a ticket to the Nelson, and they won't let me bring my sticks..

    and Colonial is still out of reach for guys like me, too exclusive, can't get invites.. not only do I not know the right people, I don't know ANY people.. :-) I can't even get invited back onto the club I used to be a member of.. :-)

    Technically I suppose I could get lessons from Haney.. he does have a very nice facility about ten miles from the house... but he'd try to change EVERYTHING but my rhythm. and those COSTS would resurface again too.. :-)

    I just want to play and have a bit of money left over. to reshaft, spine align and perfect MY clubs, like someone else I know.. :-)

    Rory does live nearby, perhaps 20 miles.. So does Justin Leonard. And Hunter Mahan. And Todd Hamilton for that matter, whose Open Championship claret jug I once fondled when he was at an appearance with a sports radio station here... a really nice fellow, spent extra time with all...

    Trevino is here somewhere nearby my place, judging by the name of the street he lives on.. but I doubt the security guards would let me into his patrolled neighborhood.. :-)

    while I"m talking about DFW, you guys who are American football fans might enjoy the controlled implosion of Texas Stadium, site of so many great championship games in the great years of the Dallas Cowboys... it's about five minutes from home, and if I can figure out a spot for myself somewhere nearby, I'll go and watch and video.. should happen in a few days..
  • 04-04-2010
    [QUOTE=famousdavis]That's one of the worst look driving ranges I've ever seen. I think Larry's outdoor deck is better than this.[/QUOTE]

    as has been said by me in other threads, it's a crap range but it's closer to my house than the golf course.

    A little asian guy runs it. Chain smokes, has many younger relatives who hang out there and lunge at golf balls to pass the time..

    the little guy has to be sixty years old but almost cannot speak english at all.. but he's on the phone all day in his raspy cigarette voice... I"m at the point where I just leave bills on the counter and get my own bucket of balls... he doesn't come out of his office..
  • 04-08-2010
    so what would be a good tee time for you comin' down from MoeNorman... 10:00?

    let's book this.. golflinks, you said? Want me to book it? 4/22?

    If you're bagging the chibbler, you can play in the group behind me. :-) I will permit the thragina, though, for the pleasure of outdriving you by fifty yards.
  • 04-08-2010
    [QUOTE=daveperkins]so what would be a good tee time for you comin' down from MoeNorman... 10:00?

    let's book this.. golflinks, you said? Want me to book it? 4/22?

    If you're bagging the chibbler, you can play in the group behind me. :-) I will permit the thragina, though, for the pleasure of outdriving you by fifty yards.[/QUOTE]

    I don't care when we play on the 22nd. 10:00 am will be alright with me. Whatever suits you best. I am planning on showing up an hour early and getting a little practice in on the range and putting area. They have a nice range area and putting green. Remember, the name of the course is Winstar in Thackerville, OK. It is just across the border as you cross the Red River into Oklahoma on I-35.
  • 04-08-2010
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]I don't care when we play on the 22nd. 10:00 am will be alright with me. Whatever suits you best. I am planning on showing up an hour early and getting a little practice in on the range and putting area. They have a nice range area and putting green. Remember, the name of the course is Winstar in Thackerville, OK. It is just across the border as you cross the Red River into Oklahoma on I-35.[/QUOTE]

    After you guys play they'll rename the city Hackerville, OK. Couldn't resist.
  • 04-08-2010
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]I don't care when we play on the 22nd. 10:00 am will be alright with me. Whatever suits you best. I am planning on showing up an hour early and getting a little practice in on the range and putting area. They have a nice range area and putting green. Remember, the name of the course is Winstar in Thackerville, OK. It is just across the border as you cross the Red River into Oklahoma on I-35.[/QUOTE]

    I shall book us for 10 AM on the 22nd..

    It's on, like donkey kong.. IF we are dormie after 18 we'll eat the creamy middle out of some oreos to settle it.

    had a GREAT range session today. The only club I wasn't flushing was the driver, and even that was close enough... my personal slightly more lofted Thragina, otherwise known as a 13* three wood, was working well enough that I can safely say I will not be bagging a Thragina.

    Now if only I could find that short game.. I know it's around here somewhere.. :-)
  • 04-08-2010

    Thursday, 4/22, tee time 9:50 am... we are booked as a twosome and nobody will be grouped with us, so we can video and so forth without annoying some other guys...

    after the superb Euro GR championship effort, I feel obligated to deliver an even higher standard of showbiz to these dopes... :-)
  • 04-08-2010
    [QUOTE=famousdavis]After you guys play they'll rename the city Hackerville, OK. Couldn't resist.[/QUOTE]

    How could it have a worse name than "Oklahoma"?
  • 04-08-2010

    Thursday, 4/22, tee time 9:50 am... we are booked as a twosome and nobody will be grouped with us, so we can video and so forth without annoying some other guys...

    after the superb Euro GR championship effort, I feel obligated to deliver an even higher standard of showbiz to these dopes... :-)[/QUOTE]

    Great! I'll be looking forward to it.

  • 04-08-2010
    Kiwi Player
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]Great! I'll be looking forward to it.


    Me too! Good luck guys.

    I'm having trouble deciding who to support though. :rolleyes: After all Dave is a fellow Cleveland guy with his Driver, 3 wood, hybrids and wedge but Sooner is a GFF guy with his MP-67's.

    It's a tough call but I think the Thragina :eek: and Nipplick :eek: tip the balance towards Big Dave! :D
  • 04-08-2010
    [QUOTE=Kiwi Player]Me too! Good luck guys.

    I'm having trouble deciding who to support though. :rolleyes: After all Dave is a fellow Cleveland guy with his Driver, 3 wood, hybrids and wedge but Sooner is a GFF guy with his MP-67's.

    [B]It's a tough call but I think the Thragina :eek: and Nipplick :eek: tip the balance towards Big Dave! :D[/B][/QUOTE]

    I understand . . . . . . . . . everyone always pulls for the fat guy . . . . . .
  • 04-08-2010
    Kiwi Player
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]I understand . . . . . . . . . everyone always pulls for the fat guy . . . . . .[/QUOTE]

    LOL - Yeah maybe I should have said 'tip the [U][I]scales[/I][/U] towards Big Dave!' :D
  • 04-08-2010
    [QUOTE=Kiwi Player]LOL - Yeah maybe I should have said 'tip the [U][I]scales[/I][/U] towards Big Dave!' :D[/QUOTE]

    pretty much everything tips toward big Dave. I generate my own gravity, warping space and time. Makes me miss a lot of short putts.
  • 04-17-2010
    Sooner I just PMed you.
  • 04-18-2010
    Dave, good news for you, my golf game hasn't been worth a shite for the past week. I have been all over the place with the driver and had to rely mostly on the Thriver. The problem is, while golfing downwind the Thriver works great, but golfing against the wind, I just don't get adequate distance.

    On top of this, my iron play has hit the skids. I'm hitting a lot of fat shots lately. I recently quit swinging with the Stack & Tilt swing because the inordinate amount of weight placement on the lead foot was making the swing feel uncomfortable. I went back to a more 50/50 weight placement and it was working well for a while, but it hasn't worked well at all this past week. I will be working on going back to the S&T swing this week before meeting up with you on Thursday and see if I can get my groove back.

    My putting game has been average, but at least the chipping and pitching game has improved due mostly to my use of the Niblick. I also have been having some fantastic approach shots from 200 and out with my new hybrids.

    I'm wanting to give you a good game Thursday and will offer no excuses if I get beat.

    Looking forward to it . . . . .
  • 04-18-2010
    An "I forgot the video camera" excuse will, quite simply, not cut it.

    You assh0les better post a comprehensive round report including video and still shots.

    The use of a purple dildo as a trophy in honor of this being an officially sanctioned GR outing will not be absolutely required, but should certainly be considered. With that being said, pics or videos of you guys actually USING a purple dildo will not be acceptable....except for Zo......that goes without saying.

    Rock it out fellas.
  • 04-18-2010
    [QUOTE=Jeff_h]An "I forgot the video camera" excuse will, quite simply, not cut it.

    You assh0les better post a comprehensive round report including video and still shots.

    The use of a purple dildo as a trophy in honor of this being an officially sanctioned GR outing will not be absolutely required, but should certainly be considered. With that being said, pics or videos of you guys actually USING a purple dildo will not be acceptable....except for Zo......that goes without saying.

    Rock it out fellas.[/QUOTE]

    If a purple dildo is to be awarded, someone else will have to bring it. Not sure if it's even available in Oklahoma or Texas. Here, they're all chocolate brown. :-) or so I've heard, anyway.

    But this "I forgot the video camera" stuff will NOT STAND.

    Remember who you're talking to. I AM THE VIDEO MAN. Nothing embarrassing will be concealed... the match in all its boring glory will be televised.

    Lucky for me my opponent is only 6'4" like me, otherwise I might be intimidated by some glandular freak, some towering sock-horror in sensible shoes... some aborted-backswing golf-monster who should have taken up badminton...
  • 04-18-2010
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]Dave, good news for you, my golf game hasn't been worth a shite for the past week. I have been all over the place with the driver and had to rely mostly on the Thriver. The problem is, while golfing downwind the Thriver works great, but golfing against the wind, I just don't get adequate distance.

    On top of this, my iron play has hit the skids. I'm hitting a lot of fat shots lately. I recently quit swinging with the Stack & Tilt swing because the inordinate amount of weight placement on the lead foot was making the swing feel uncomfortable. I went back to a more 50/50 weight placement and it was working well for a while, but it hasn't worked well at all this past week. I will be working on going back to the S&T swing this week before meeting up with you on Thursday and see if I can get my groove back.

    My putting game has been average, but at least the chipping and pitching game has improved due mostly to my use of the Niblick. I also have been having some fantastic approach shots from 200 and out with my new hybrids.

    I'm wanting to give you a good game Thursday and will offer no excuses if I get beat.

    Looking forward to it . . . . .[/QUOTE]

    If you show up with your Z game and then beat me with the chibbler nipplick, I may request your assistance in killing myself. :-)

    I'm hitting the ball very well right now, but I have no idea where I'll find a short game. Perhaps I can pick one up north of the Texas state line.

    see you thursday, amigo.
  • 04-18-2010
    I honestly do not know who to root for...

    ...I know someone here that was around GR today; is he out there in the neighborhood? He can maybe get that GR trophy out to you really quick...

    Crimony, our resident red Miata owner no doubt slips on those trophies just getting out of bed... worse than buttering the floor for him.
  • 04-18-2010
    [quote=daveperkins]If a purple dildo is to be awarded, someone else will have to bring it. Not sure if it's even available in Oklahoma or Texas. Here, they're all chocolate brown. :-) or so I've heard, anyway.

    But this "I forgot the video camera" stuff will NOT STAND.

    Remember who you're talking to. I AM THE VIDEO MAN. Nothing embarrassing will be concealed... the match in all its boring glory will be televised.

    [b]Lucky for me my opponent is only 6'4" like me, otherwise I might be intimidated by some glandular freak, some towering sock-horror in sensible shoes... some aborted-backswing golf-monster who should have taken up badminton...[/b][/quote]


    That sh!t cracked me up.

    That right there was some SERIOUSLY funny sh!t!


    But make no mistake.......

    Don't you EVER make fun of my badminton.


    Unless you are prepared to bring it.

    I will spike you with my birdie spiking ass.

    For real.

    You will look up at my freakishly tall, sissy sock wearing ass and I will lay that badminton birdie straight down your schnozz. It will be planted there in your nostril and will need to be sugically removed.

    No lie.

    Don't feck with me Dave.
  • 04-19-2010

    That sh!t cracked me up.

    That right there was some SERIOUSLY funny sh!t!


    But make no mistake.......

    Don't you EVER make fun of my badminton.


    Unless you are prepared to bring it.

    I will spike you with my birdie spiking ass.

    For real.

    You will look up at my freakishly tall, sissy sock wearing ass and I will lay that badminton birdie straight down your schnozz. It will be planted there in your nostril and will need to be sugically removed.

    No lie.

    Don't feck with me Dave.[/QUOTE]

    There is only one secret to winning badminton...

    never take on an opponent who is taller than you.

    Now let's go bowling, @$$h0le.... :-)
  • 04-19-2010

    One map says winstar is in Ardmore, another says Hackerville.. but I'm taking exit 1, right? Which is Hackerville... right? ([I]it's actually Thackerville but the joke has already been made, so I'm on it[/I])

    I called to re-confirm at winstar, we're definitely on for 9:50, and we're booked as a twosome so if we don't like each other there'll be nobody else to talk to.. :-)

    Let the match begin!!!!!!!!
  • 04-19-2010

    One map says winstar is in Ardmore, another says Hackerville.. but I'm taking exit 1, right? Which is Hackerville... right? ([I]it's actually Thackerville but the joke has already been made, so I'm on it[/I])

    I called to re-confirm at winstar, we're definitely on for 9:50, and we're booked as a twosome so if we don't like each other there'll be nobody else to talk to.. :-)

    Let the match begin!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

    Yes, it is Hackerville. Dave, you and I will get along just fine as long as you don't bring along any purple dildos . . . . .
  • 04-19-2010
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]Yes, it is Hackerville. Dave, you and I will get along just fine as long as you don't bring along any purple dildos . . . . .[/QUOTE]

    Nope, I'm only bringing 14 clubs. :-)
  • 04-19-2010
    Not a hacker
    Not sure if anyone's mentioned it yet, but isn't there a touch of synergy that you guys are playing your match in "Hackerville". I hope you both rise above it and don't live up to the towns namesake.
  • 04-19-2010
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]Not sure if anyone's mentioned it yet, but isn't there a touch of synergy that you guys are playing your match in "Hackerville". I hope you both rise above it and don't live up to the towns namesake.[/QUOTE]

    It's actually called "Thackerville." The golf course is a resort course and is part of a huge indian casino in Thackerville. They have a nice 18 hole course and are building another 9 or 18 holes as well. I've only got to play it once, but it was a nice course and well manicured. You don't always get "nice" and "well manicured" in the same sentence whenever describing courses in Oklahoma. We have some really nice courses and then we also have some dogs.
  • 04-19-2010
    Kiwi Player
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS][B]It's actually called "Thackerville.[/B]" The golf course is a resort course and is part of a huge indian casino in Thackerville. They have a nice 18 hole course and are building another 9 or 18 holes as well. I've only got to play it once, but it was a nice course and well manicured. You don't always get "nice" and "well manicured" in the same sentence whenever describing courses in Oklahoma. We have some really nice courses and then we also have some dogs.[/QUOTE]

    Yeah but it's common knowledge that it's a silent 'T'.
  • 04-19-2010
    [QUOTE=Kiwi Player]Yeah but it's common knowledge that it's a silent 'T'.[/QUOTE]

    Of course . . . .
  • 04-19-2010

    behold my mightiness, and despair of your chances in this match!!! MMMmmooouhahahaaaa

    <object width="800" height="450"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=10544263&amp;server=vimeo.com&amp;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" /><embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=10544263&amp;server=vimeo.com&amp;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="800" height="450"></embed></object><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/10544263">Range time..</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user360700">Dave Perkins</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

    And Lorenzo... If I can post this sheite and laugh about it, you need to shed your inhibitions and go for it..

    btw... with all you guys rendering judgment and insult on fat people, I want it on the record that in this vid I am FORTY pounds lighter than the one from end of year...

    me, I'm just trying to get back my health and stay alive... but if you want to believe it's because you shamed me, be my guest. :-)[/QUOTE]

    Wow! Real grass, that is so awesome...

    Your voice belongs in radio...
  • 04-19-2010
    Dave, the weather forcast is a high of 76 degrees (that's Fahrenheit for you internationals) and windy. There is a chance of severe weather coming in, but it is predicted for the evening hours well after our round is over. I like the 76 degree temps, I do not like the wind.
  • 04-19-2010
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]Dave, good news for you, my golf game hasn't been worth a shite for the past week. I have been all over the place with the driver and had to rely mostly on the Thriver. The problem is, while golfing downwind the Thriver works great, but golfing against the wind, I just don't get adequate distance.

    On top of this, my iron play has hit the skids. I'm hitting a lot of fat shots lately. I recently quit swinging with the Stack & Tilt swing because the inordinate amount of weight placement on the lead foot was making the swing feel uncomfortable. I went back to a more 50/50 weight placement and it was working well for a while, but it hasn't worked well at all this past week. I will be working on going back to the S&T swing this week before meeting up with you on Thursday and see if I can get my groove back.

    My putting game has been average, but at least the chipping and pitching game has improved due mostly to my use of the Niblick. I also have been having some fantastic approach shots from 200 and out with my new hybrids.

    I'm wanting to give you a good game Thursday and will offer no excuses if I get beat.

    Looking forward to it . . . . .[/QUOTE]

    model stack and tilt is 60-40 favoring left... how is that an incredible amount???
  • 04-19-2010
    [QUOTE=pingman360]model stack and tilt is 60-40 favoring left... how is that an incredible amount???[/QUOTE]

    I went out to the range today and hit 4 buckets of balls because I was frustrated with my swing of late. I discovered that I was likely putting too much weight on my lead foot, like maybe in the area of 80/20. I also discovered that I was not clearing my hips with my follow through. This was causing me to hit the ball fat and also a little right of target. After correcting my faults today, I was hitting the ball well . . . . . . I just hope I remember it all come Thursday.
  • 04-19-2010
    PM, the S&T swing is still a work in practice for me. It takes a while for things to sink in with me . . . . . .
  • 04-19-2010
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]I went out to the range today and hit 4 buckets of balls because I was frustrated with my swing of late. I discovered that I was likely putting too much weight on my lead foot, like maybe in the area of 80/20. I also discovered that I was not clearing my hips with my follow through. This was causing me to hit the ball fat and also a little right of target. After correcting my faults today, I was hitting the ball well . . . . . . I just hope I remember it all come Thursday.[/QUOTE]

    Kick his ass Sooner!
  • 04-19-2010
    [QUOTE=spanqdoggie]Kick his ass Sooner![/QUOTE]

    Spank, I am looking forward to this match Thursday. I am going to try and win, but i will not be overly upset if I do not. I'm looking forward to meeting Dave and visiting with him. I think we are going to get along real well. I like these matches we are doing where we are getting to put a face with the posters. It's really cool.

    I think I might get to play with Riveroligist next whenever he makes it down to Oklahoma. However, I don't want to see him naked, I just want to play golf with him.

    I also hope I get to play a round with Lorenzo whenever he makes it to Oklahoma again.
  • 04-19-2010
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]Dave, the weather forcast is a high of 76 degrees (that's Fahrenheit for you internationals) and windy. There is a chance of severe weather coming in, but it is predicted for the evening hours well after our round is over. I like the 76 degree temps, I do not like the wind.[/QUOTE]

    You knew wind was coming. It's been windy here 9 out of 10 days since the last snow. It will stay windy until it's miserably hot. Such is the great south plains. :-)
  • 04-20-2010
    After today's round, the Thragina has officially left my bag. Its services are no longer needed. Between my Mizuno MX 700 driver (10.5* with stiff shaft) and my 4 wood, I can manage the distance and fairways well enough with just good game management decisions.

    I shot an 85 today but could have very easily been much lower with some better decisions around the green. Overall, I was happy with today's round and will likely take tomorrow off before heading down to Hackerville for the big match on Thursday. I'm looking forward to a good round of golf with Big Dave . . . . .
  • 04-20-2010
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]After today's round, the Thragina has officially left my bag. Its services are no longer needed. Between my Mizuno MX 700 driver (10.5* with stiff shaft) and my 4 wood, I can manage the distance and fairways well enough with just good game management decisions.

    I shot an 85 today but could have very easily been much lower with some better decisions around the green. Overall, I was happy with today's round and will likely take tomorrow off before heading down to Hackerville for the big match on Thursday. I'm looking forward to a good round of golf with Big Dave . . . . .[/QUOTE]

    That's too bad. Never seen a thragina close up. Bring it anyways, will ya? :-)

    I hit today, not as good as last week but serviceable. Wedge getting sharper on the distances, 60-50-40-30 etc. That is where the scoring is, for me, getting the little wedges right. short irons sharp, long clubs so so, driver improving. Hackerville course looks like it's more open than my home course, which will be good. :-)

    Haven't actually played a round under normal conditions in a few months. Tried a while back, got blown off the course. But I"m happy with my practice.

    hope Thursday ain't [I]too[/I] windy, see ya there!
  • 04-20-2010
    [QUOTE=daveperkins]That's too bad. Never seen a thragina close up. Bring it anyways, will ya? :-)

    I hit today, not as good as last week but serviceable. Wedge getting sharper on the distances, 60-50-40-30 etc. That is where the scoring is, for me, getting the little wedges right. short irons sharp, long clubs so so, driver improving. Hackerville course looks like it's more open than my home course, which will be good. :-)

    Haven't actually played a round under normal conditions in a few months. Tried a while back, got blown off the course. But I"m happy with my practice.

    hope Thursday ain't [I]too[/I] windy, see ya there![/QUOTE]

    OK, Dave, just for you, I'll stick the Thagina back in the bag. It could be my farewell party for it.

    Forecast is for 10-15 MPH winds which means 15-20 with the weathermen we have here in Oklahoma. Still, it beats some of those 30+ days we have had.

    Today was really nice weather-wise. Too bad we couldn't have played today.
  • 04-20-2010
    Kiwi Player
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]OK, Dave, just for you, I'll stick the Thagina back in the bag. It could be my farewell party for it.

    Forecast is for 10-15 MPH winds which means 15-20 with the weathermen we have here in Oklahoma. Still, it beats some of those 30+ days we have had.

    Today was really nice weather-wise. Too bad we couldn't have played today.[/QUOTE]

    You HAVE to bag the Thragina Sooner. Playing you without it would be like playing Edgey without his Lovett wedge. Or his Thragina for that matter? :rolleyes:
  • 04-20-2010
    Not a hacker
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]I went out to the range today and hit 4 buckets of balls because I was frustrated with my swing of late. I discovered that I was likely putting too much weight on my lead foot, like maybe in the area of 80/20. I also discovered that I was not clearing my hips with my follow through. This was causing me to hit the ball fat and also a little right of target. After correcting my faults today, I was hitting the ball well . . . . . . I just hope I remember it all come Thursday.[/QUOTE]
    Just think rhythm and tempo sooner. Contrary to popular belief propogated by no talent bums like Leadbetter, Harmon, Haney et al, the golf swing is not a compilation of fixed, static positions. It is a fuid, flowing motion and the only way to get the body to move the same way is to employ rhythm and tempo. Trust me on this, your technique will take care of itself, the important thing is to get your body moving in the same directions at the same speed shot after shot. It's impossible to do this by trying to move from one position to another throughout the swing, you have to keep everything flowing through good rhythm and tempo.
  • 04-21-2010
    Do either of you have an [URL="http://www.oobgolf.com/index.php"]oobgolf[/URL] account (it's free btw)? They have a live scoring widget that you can update from your cell phone. We could all watch as teh match progresses.
  • 04-21-2010
    [QUOTE=clmax]Do either of you have an [URL="http://www.oobgolf.com/index.php"]oobgolf[/URL] account (it's free btw)? They have a live scoring widget that you can update from your cell phone. We could all watch as teh match progresses.[/QUOTE]

    I'm leaving all the technical stuff to Big Dave. I am sure he will have something going. The MAIN thing we want to do is play golf though . . . . .
  • 04-22-2010
    Dave, I'm heading out. I'll be wearing a Ryder's Cup hat, so look for a tall guy with a Ryder's cup hat and tan linen golf slacks. I know what you look like.
  • 04-22-2010
    [quote=SoonerBS]Dave, I'm heading out. I'll be wearing a Ryder's Cup hat, so look for a tall guy with a Ryder's cup hat and tan linen golf slacks. I know what you look like.[/quote]

    What? No Denim!?...pussee!......:D
    Good luck boyz!
  • 04-22-2010
    Kiwi Player
    Good luck guys!

    Looking forward to reading the match reports! May the best man win!
  • 04-22-2010
    They should be teeing off soon shouldn't they? Is this the thread they're reporting on?
    May the BIGGEST saddle shuz win!!!!........:cool:
  • 04-22-2010
    [QUOTE=noshuz]They should be teeing off soon shouldn't they? Is this the thread they're reporting on?
    May the BIGGEST saddle shuz win!!!!........:cool:[/QUOTE]

    Their tee time is at 9:50. I will transcribe Dave's text messages to this thread when I get them.
  • 04-22-2010
    [quote=clmax]Their tee time is at 9:50. I will transcribe Dave's text messages to this thread when I get them.[/quote]

    clmax, you're supposed to start a brand new thread for the match. That's what we've done the last two times. That way everyone knows it's started and can see the new thread. People ignore the sticky threads. Just thought I'd help.
  • 04-22-2010
    [QUOTE=clmax]Their tee time is at 9:50. I will transcribe Dave's text messages to this thread when I get them.[/QUOTE]
    9:50 CST, right?
  • 04-22-2010
    Tee time bumbed to 9:10 CST. Match begins in 5 minutes.
  • 04-22-2010
    [quote=clmax]Tee time bumbed to 9:10 CST. Match begins in 5 minutes.[/quote]

    I'm giddy!......:D
  • 04-22-2010
    1 Attachment(s)
    This just in...
    Let the game begin:
  • 04-22-2010
    Saddle Jeans
    WTF??? Pics of shoes/pants please... At least Sooner wore the cheap arse windbreaker. Sheesh...
  • 04-22-2010
    Looks like Dave is opting for the unbuttoned/chest hair intimidation strategy.
  • 04-22-2010
    [URL="http://www.winstargolfcourse.com/holebyhole.html"]Hole one:[/URL]
    Sooner's drive goes up the middle. Dave's second goes into trees resulting in lost ball. Sooner wins with bogey.

    Sooner 1 up.
  • 04-22-2010
    [quote=clmax]Let the game begin:

    WTF?? Sooner doesn't Look like Brad Pitt???
  • 04-22-2010
    [URL="http://www.winstargolfcourse.com/hole2.html"]Hole 2:[/URL]
    Sooner wins as Dave yanks a three footer.
    Dave predicts Sooner victory, 10 and 8.

    Sooner 2 up.
  • 04-22-2010
    [QUOTE=clmax][URL="http://www.winstargolfcourse.com/hole2.html"]Hole 2:[/URL]
    Sooner wins as Dave yanks a three footer.
    Dave predicts Sooner victory, 10 and 8.

    Sooner 2 up.[/QUOTE]

    crap, this match is going to be over by the 7th hole at this rate; Dave needs to use that big ass forehead and headbutt Sooner or start a fight or something. [URL=http://smiliesftw.com][IMG]http://smiliesftw.com/x/hyper2.gif[/IMG][/URL]
  • 04-22-2010
    [quote=spanqdoggie]crap, this match is going to be over by the 7th hole at this rate; Dave needs to use that big ass forehead and headbutt Sooner or start a fight or something. [URL="http://smiliesftw.com"][IMG]http://smiliesftw.com/x/hyper2.gif[/IMG][/URL][/quote]

    LOL! That's funny shite Spanq