• 02-18-2010
    [QUOTE=famousdavis]I think fans may shout a few insults at his first or second tournaments but eventually it will all die down and go away. That's what this press conference BS is all about. It's the first of several steps to get Tiger back onto the PGA tour with some kind of admission of fault in a controlled environment. If Tiger wins a major this year I guarantee you that this will all be old news in less than a year. People will remember what happened and what he did but if he starts winning tournaments again it's going to all slowly fade away. If he doesn't win the story will stay with him until he does.[/QUOTE]
    I think Tiger is going to have an image problem until he comes clean, regardless of how much he's winning. He'll keep getting the questions until he answers them. Sure, the golf reporters (at least the ones who want to keep their jobs) will continue to treat him with kid gloves, fawning over all his cliched answers to non-confrontational questions, but the fearless tabloid people will crush him mercilessly until the story is fully out and admitted. I also think he's going to have a tough time meeting face-to-face with people he respects, like Palmer and Nicklaus. I see him skipping their events, unless he can grow a sack and eat his humble pie.
  • 02-18-2010
    [QUOTE=Horseballs]I think Tiger is going to have an image problem until he comes clean, regardless of how much he's winning. He'll keep getting the questions until he answers them. Sure, the golf reporters (at least the ones who want to keep their jobs) will continue to treat him with kid gloves, fawning over all his cliched answers to non-confrontational questions, but the fearless tabloid people will crush him mercilessly until the story is fully out and admitted. I also think he's going to have a tough time meeting face-to-face with people he respects, like Palmer and Nicklaus. I see him skipping their events, unless he can grow a sack and eat his humble pie.[/QUOTE]

    Meet face to face with Palmer and Nicklaus? I don't see a problem with that. He certainly doesn't owe them any kind of apology. What's he supposed to say? "Hey Jack, sorry I was bangin' all those chicks." As for Palmer, I seriously doubt he expects an apology.

    He doesn't owe an apology or an explanation to the fans either. Like I said before, he's given his fans way more than they'll ever given him. If he starts winning tournaments again the press will have no where to go with the old news.

    Golf reporters are supposed to comment on golf and ask the players about golf. Are you suggesting that if Tiger is interviewed by an on-course golf commentator that the commentator should ask him about his affairs? "Hey Tiger, you've just won your 15th major. Could you tell us more about the chick(s) you banged in Vegas?".
  • 02-18-2010
    [QUOTE=famousdavis]Meet face to face with Palmer and Nicklaus? I don't see a problem with that. He certainly doesn't owe them any kind of apology. What's he supposed to say? "Hey Jack, sorry I was bangin' all those chicks." As for Palmer, I seriously doubt he expects an apology.

    He doesn't owe an apology or an explanation to the fans either. Like I said before, he's given his fans way more than they'll ever given him. If he starts winning tournaments again the press will have no where to go with the old news.

    Golf reporters are supposed to comment on golf and ask the players about golf. Are you suggesting that if Tiger is interviewed by an on-course golf commentator that the commentator should ask him about his affairs? "Hey Tiger, you've just won your 15th major. Could you tell us more about the chick(s) you banged in Vegas?".[/QUOTE]
    Who said anything about an apology? Who said anything about golf reporters asking non-golf questions? I think you are reading something different than what I actually wrote, or maybe you just quoted the wrong post.
    Just keep this thread bookmarked so that when everything I've said comes true, you can write up a sniveling apology thread.
  • 02-18-2010
    [QUOTE=Horseballs]Who said anything about an apology? Who said anything about golf reporters asking non-golf questions? I think you are reading something different than what I actually wrote, or maybe you just quoted the wrong post.
    Just keep this thread bookmarked so that when everything I've said comes true, you can write up a sniveling apology thread.[/QUOTE]

    You did. Maybe YOU should read your post again. You want to do the "I didn't say those exact words" game then go back to your 6th grade class.
  • 02-18-2010
    Will Tiger Woods shed tears in front of the camera tomorrow? You can bet on it.

    As the world gets ready for the Tiger Woods melodrama to reach a new high (or low) with his televised statement Friday, [URL="http://www.paddypower.com/bet"][B]U.K. bookmaker Paddy Power[/B][/URL] is offering up several enticing bets for viewers.

    According to Darren Haines, who runs public relations for Paddy Power, Woods is a 5/2 favorite to cry - the same odds apply to Woods winning this year's Masters tournament.

    (No odds are available as to what sort of crying Woods may do: out-of-control sobbing seems unlikely, though a manly, pursed-lip whimper, [URL="http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/01/11/sportsline/main6083803.shtml"][B]like Mark McGwire's earlier this year[/B][/URL], is a possibility. As Haines said in an e-mail: crying is subjective. "One man's crying may be another man's balling.")

    A source tells [B]CBS News[/B] that Woods will say he "does not know at this point when his return will be."

    And, of course, you can wager on the number of times Woods says, "I'm sorry." There's 7/2 odds that he will utter the phrase six or more times - 16/1 odds that he won't say it at all.

    Which brings us to the bulk of the bets offered: what cliché will Woods utter first?

    "I regret the hurt I've caused" is the favorite at 7/2, with "we all need to move on" at 20/1. He's a 200/1 chance to say "I am retiring from professional golf."

    Speaking of longshots, the following phrases are listed at 250/1:

    - "My tiger is back in it's cage."
    - "My tiger has been tamed."
    - "At least I didn't pay.

    FYI: I typed this from scratch in 17.2 seconds........:cool:
  • 02-18-2010
    Great post, NS. We Euros may be greasy and suspect, but we aren't bewildered by this type of b.s. The Americans still want Tiger to behave like a family guy.
  • 02-18-2010
    [QUOTE=famousdavis]You did. Maybe YOU should read your post again. You want to do the "I didn't say those exact words" game then go back to your 6th grade class.[/QUOTE]
    I don't know what to tell you. There is no calling for an apology from me in that post.
    But of course, there is perception and there is reality. Now, you and I both know that Tiger’s statement tomorrow is going to be nothing less than an apology fest. Why? Because the perception is that Tiger has led a dishonest life, in direct opposition to his public persona that has enabled him to become a global icon, respected, and wealthy beyond belief. The people making his life hell are going to pick him apart as long as he lets them control the story. He could easily get out in front of it by revealing everything, but not through some carefully crafted statement to select members of the press.
    And let’s face it, he is ashamed of what his image has become. If he holds guys like Palmer or Nicklaus in respect, he’s going to dread meeting them in person because they must be disappointed in Tiger. You can argue that Tiger won’t care, or that Nicklaus and Palmer either aren’t or have no basis to be disappointed if you’d like, but you would be wrong.
    I personally don’t care whether Tiger apologizes or not, in fact I wish he wouldn’t. But he is going to, and it isn’t going to be enough to satisfy the people who smell the blood in the water.
    Sorry Davep, I know you've got a monopoly on long posts.
  • 02-18-2010
    [QUOTE=noshuz]Will Tiger Woods shed tears in front of the camera tomorrow? You can bet on it.

    As the world gets ready for the Tiger Woods melodrama to reach a new high (or low) with his televised statement Friday, [URL="http://www.paddypower.com/bet"][B]U.K. bookmaker Paddy Power[/B][/URL] is offering up several enticing bets for viewers.

    According to Darren Haines, who runs public relations for Paddy Power, Woods is a 5/2 favorite to cry - the same odds apply to Woods winning this year's Masters tournament.

    (No odds are available as to what sort of crying Woods may do: out-of-control sobbing seems unlikely, though a manly, pursed-lip whimper, [URL="http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/01/11/sportsline/main6083803.shtml"][B]like Mark McGwire's earlier this year[/B][/URL], is a possibility. As Haines said in an e-mail: crying is subjective. "One man's crying may be another man's balling.")

    A source tells [B]CBS News[/B] that Woods will say he "does not know at this point when his return will be."

    And, of course, you can wager on the number of times Woods says, "I'm sorry." There's 7/2 odds that he will utter the phrase six or more times - 16/1 odds that he won't say it at all.

    Which brings us to the bulk of the bets offered: what cliché will Woods utter first?

    "I regret the hurt I've caused" is the favorite at 7/2, with "we all need to move on" at 20/1. He's a 200/1 chance to say "I am retiring from professional golf."

    Speaking of longshots, the following phrases are listed at 250/1:

    - "My tiger is back in it's cage."
    - "My tiger has been tamed."
    - "At least I didn't pay.

    FYI: I typed this from scratch in 17.2 seconds........:cool:[/QUOTE]

    I think Tiger is going to surprise everyone and tell a lot more than we anticipate. I could be wrong but I'm usually right. I don't think he'll cry. I bet one of the first things he does is smile. Thinkin' about those ho's. Good job on the typing.
  • 02-18-2010
    Not often the patriarch treatises. FD, love you man, but you're suggesting things will be real. They won't.
  • 02-18-2010
    [QUOTE=Horseballs]I don't know what to tell you. There is no calling for an apology from me in that post.
    But of course, there is perception and there is reality. Now, you and I both know that Tiger’s statement tomorrow is going to be nothing less than an apology fest. Why? Because the perception is that Tiger has led a dishonest life, in direct opposition to his public persona that has enabled him to become a global icon, respected, and wealthy beyond belief. The people making his life hell are going to pick him apart as long as he lets them control the story. He could easily get out in front of it by revealing everything, but not through some carefully crafted statement to select members of the press.
    And let’s face it, he is ashamed of what his image has become. If he holds guys like Palmer or Nicklaus in respect, he’s going to dread meeting them in person because they must be disappointed in Tiger. You can argue that Tiger won’t care, or that Nicklaus and Palmer either aren’t or have no basis to be disappointed if you’d like, but you would be wrong.
    I personally don’t care whether Tiger apologizes or not, in fact I wish he wouldn’t. But he is going to, and it isn’t going to be enough to satisfy the people who smell the blood in the water.
    Sorry Davep, I know you've got a monopoly on long posts.[/QUOTE]

    I agree with what you've said above but I think Tiger is pretty good friends with both Nicklaus and Palmer. I guess he's a little embarrassed but not so much that he can't look them in the eye. I agree he'll apologize to the public but it seems so silly. There's really no other way that he could do it other than to have a controlled event. Should be interesting but either way I still like the guy and will root for him to beat Jack's record. I like Tiger much better than Jack. I think Jack likes to think and talk about Jack. If you read Palmer's book it's all about his friends and the people he knew. If you read Jack's book it's all about himself. Tiger is somewhere in between.
  • 02-18-2010
    Not a hacker
    [QUOTE=famousdavis]I think fans may shout a few insults at his first or second tournaments but eventually it will all die down and go away. That's what this press conference BS is all about. It's the first of several steps to get Tiger back onto the PGA tour with some kind of admission of fault in a controlled environment. If Tiger wins a major this year I guarantee you that this will all be old news in less than a year. People will remember what happened and what he did but if he starts winning tournaments again it's going to all slowly fade away. If he doesn't win the story will stay with him until he does.[/QUOTE]
    If Tiger happens to win one or majors this year, I predict the media will turn it into the feel good, down on his luck guy overcomes adversity, story of the year (obviously narrated by Jim Nance, accompanied by the usual background music). Tiger will be made out to be like a real life Rocky Balboa.
  • 02-18-2010
    Not a hacker
    [QUOTE=Horseballs]I think Tiger is going to have an image problem until he comes clean, regardless of how much he's winning. He'll keep getting the questions until he answers them. Sure, the golf reporters (at least the ones who want to keep their jobs) will continue to treat him with kid gloves, fawning over all his cliched answers to non-confrontational questions, but the fearless tabloid people will crush him mercilessly until the story is fully out and admitted. I also think he's going to have a tough time meeting face-to-face with people he respects, like Palmer and Nicklaus. I see him skipping their events, unless he can grow a sack and eat his humble pie.[/QUOTE]

    I think you underestimate the power of the media and spin doctors to brainwash the public. I think this whole Tiger scandal has some parralels to to the Michael Jackson scandals of the 90s. Michael was accused of much worse crimes, and was arguably as famous as Tiger, yet he has been inducted into the Grammy hall of fame (or given a lifetime achievement or whatever it was). Granted, Jackson had to die in suspicious circumstances to get this public outpouring of sympathy, but at the end of the day his transgressions with young children have largely been swept under the rug (no pun intended). Perhaps Tiger's best career move would be a sudden and unforeseen death.
  • 02-18-2010
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]HB,

    I think you underestimate the power of the media and spin doctors to brainwash the public. I think this whole Tiger scandal has some parralels to to the Michael Jackson scandals of the 90s. Michael was accused of much worse crimes, and was arguably as famous as Tiger, yet he has been inducted into the Grammy hall of fame (or given a lifetime achievement or whatever it was). Granted, Jackson had to die in suspicious circumstances to get this public outpouring of sympathy, but at the end of the day his transgressions with young children have largely been swept under the rug (no pun intended). Perhaps Tiger's best career move would be a sudden and unforeseen death.[/QUOTE]
    There are some parallels but a lot of differences. MJ was already in the twilight of his career, or at least not in the public eye or touring when he was accused of diddling young peckers. The TMZ's of the world were also not cranked up to insane levels and the internet and blogs and irresponsible journalism were largely absent. MJ could hide out in his ranch for years at a time, whereas Tiger must go out and play golf tournaments to continue his career. And for all of MJ's posthumous awards, he lost every endorsement he ever had, having to rely on huge residuals from his prior albums.
  • 02-18-2010
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]If Tiger happens to win one or majors this year, I predict the media will turn it into the feel good, down on his luck guy overcomes adversity, story of the year (obviously narrated by Jim Nance, accompanied by the usual background music). Tiger will be made out to be like a real life Rocky Balboa.[/QUOTE]
    Majors are the key to his sucess. No majors and its a dragged out affair. Can you imagine if he cant win majors anymore? Pull a Tiger shark in em. Oh the fans wont let go of him. The tabloids will crank out the rags, cause they sell.
  • 02-18-2010
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]HB,

    I think you underestimate the power of the media and spin doctors to brainwash the public. I think this whole Tiger scandal has some parralels to to the Michael Jackson scandals of the 90s. Michael was accused of much worse crimes, and was arguably as famous as Tiger, yet he has been inducted into the Grammy hall of fame (or given a lifetime achievement or whatever it was). Granted, Jackson had to die in suspicious circumstances to get this public outpouring of sympathy, but at the end of the day his transgressions with young children have largely been swept under the rug (no pun intended). Perhaps Tiger's best career move would be a sudden and unforeseen death.[/QUOTE]

    I think the Grammy Hall of Fame thing has little to do with what the public thinks of MJ. I've never heard anyone say anything good about the guy (with the exception of on TV) since the second accusation. The Grammy thing was politics in Hollywood. I saw part of the Grammy's and they were showing some video with him talking in the background and it made my skin crawl.
  • 02-18-2010
    Not a hacker
    [QUOTE=famousdavis]I think the Grammy Hall of Fame thing has little to do with what the public thinks of MJ. I've never heard anyone say anything good about the guy (with the exception of on TV) since the second accusation. The Grammy thing was politics in Hollywood. I saw part of the Grammy's and they were showing some video with him talking in the background and it made my skin crawl.[/QUOTE]
    As I said in another thread, Jackson's family used the Grammys as a platform to regurgitate the "Michael's message was of love and peace" BS. I think you are right that they want to show us how out of touch they are with the rest of us, as it gives them a false sense of superiority.
  • 02-18-2010
    Kiwi Player
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]Yeah, but the tightly displayed crotch area may be used to initimidate opponents, and in matchplay any intimidation is good intimidation.

    P.S. Speaking of matchplay,it's Pennants season here and I got a call up for my club this Sunday, so I'd better go over the BDP matchplay strategies thread again to make sure I don't forget anything. I usually don't shave on the weekend but I guess I'll have to this weekend.[/QUOTE]

    Good luck.

    Be sure to take 3 wood or 3 iron off the first tee.
  • 02-18-2010
    Not a hacker
    [QUOTE=Kiwi Player]Good luck.

    Be sure to take 3 wood or 3 iron off the first tee.[/QUOTE]
    That won't be a problem, as we are playing an even shorter, mickey mouse par 3 goat track club than the one I belong to. Maybe I'll have to see what my opponent hit's and then pull 2 clubs shorter, giving him tha disdainful look that says "I'm too damn long to hit that club here, I'll leave that to you".
  • 02-18-2010
    I had my fill of Tiger quite awhile ago. Almost every cover of every golf magazine. 90% coverage of every tournament he's played except when he was so far behind he had no shot to win, which wasn't very often. Tired of the human growth hormone-fueled fist pumping and 'roid-rage temper tantrums. Tired of all the wannabe's he brought into the game who crowd the public courses with their Nike attire and equipment. Tired of the charade that was his marriage. Either his handlers or parents, or both, probably convinced him he needed a wife and a matched set of offspring to complete the package. Hey folks, how about a bachelor's degree from one of the most prestigious colleges on the planet before entering the work-a-day world?

    I would be satisfied if he strode to the podium tomorrow morning, looked right into you-know-who's teleprompter borrowed for the occasions and said, simply, "I'm taking a year off to chill. Its a Cablinasian thing. You wouldn't understand".
  • 02-18-2010
    Mongrel, you seem to have found clarity. Most will continue to lick Tiger's ass.hole.
  • 02-18-2010
    [QUOTE=mongrel]I had my fill of Tiger quite awhile ago. Almost every cover of every golf magazine. 90% coverage of every tournament he's played except when he was so far behind he had no shot to win, which wasn't very often. Tired of the human growth hormone-fueled fist pumping and 'roid-rage temper tantrums. Tired of all the wannabe's he brought into the game who crowd the public courses with their Nike attire and equipment. Tired of the charade that was his marriage. Either his handlers or parents, or both, probably convinced him he needed a wife and a matched set of offspring to complete the package. Hey folks, how about a bachelor's degree from one of the most prestigious colleges on the planet before entering the work-a-day world?

    I would be satisfied if he strode to the podium tomorrow morning, looked right into you-know-who's teleprompter borrowed for the occasions and said, simply, "I'm taking a year off to chill. Its a Cablinasian thing. You wouldn't understand".[/QUOTE]

    The only thing that bothered me about Tiger was his interviews after a tournament. He seemed to stare down the interviewer as if he was an annoyance and a waste of his time. That may change now but who knows? I never really cared about the club slamming. I do have Nike attire but I usually mix it up with other brands. It is funny to see the guys at the muni all decked out in complete Nike attire. I mean, come on, Nike pants?
  • 02-18-2010
    [QUOTE=famousdavis]The only thing that bothered me about Tiger was his interviews after a tournament. [B]He seemed to stare down the interviewer as if he was an annoyance and a waste of his time.[/B] That may change now but who knows? I never really cared about the club slamming. I do have Nike attire but I usually mix it up with other brands. It is funny to see the guys at the muni all decked out in complete Nike attire. I mean, come on, Nike pants?[/QUOTE]

    But of course, we now know that the interviewers were keeping Tiger from scoring some kooch. So, in essence, they were an annoyance to him . . . . .
  • 02-18-2010
    Not a hacker
    I find Jim Nance an annoyance from this side of the camera. I can only imagine what an annoying prick he is in person.
  • 02-18-2010
    Kiwi Player
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]But of course, we now know that the interviewers were keeping Tiger from scoring some kooch. So, in essence, they were an annoyance to him . . . . .[/QUOTE]

    Sooner nailed it. Imagine having hot, gagging skanks waiting for you in the hotel room and you are being held up 20-30 minutes for some lame @ss post round interview with some dribbling, nosebleed, sycophant asking you all the same old pointless questions. No wonder he stared them down like they were an annoying bug you want to squash.
  • 02-19-2010
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]I find Jim Nance an annoyance from this side of the camera. I can only imagine what an annoying prick he is in person.[/QUOTE]

    I guarantee you his family doesn't return his calls. Including his mother. What a tragedy for her.
  • 02-19-2010
    Not a hacker
    [QUOTE=lorenzoinoc]I guarantee you his family doesn't return his calls. Including his mother. What a tragedy for her.[/QUOTE]
    Yeah, I just couldn't imagine even close family putting up with his syrupy melodramatic feel good pieces during dinner. And even his dog would put him offlimits in the lead up to the Masters.
  • 02-20-2010
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]Yeah, I just couldn't imagine even close family putting up with his syrupy melodramatic feel good pieces during dinner. And even his dog would put him offlimits in the lead up to the Masters.[/QUOTE]

    His poor dog, having to vomit his dinner every night.