• 03-29-2010
    Kiwi Player
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]Speciesism is prejudice based on species. [/QUOTE]

    One of my friends is a blatant speciesist. When he comes home he pats the dog but kicks the cat, just for being a cat! Next time he does it I am going to call him out and tell that that that sort of speciesism is unacceptable and won't be tolerated.
  • 03-29-2010
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]There are different paths to get to the same destination. Just because your Bible and your God promotes speciesism doesn't make it less so. The KKK claims that God has told them that black people are inferior and don't have souls, but that doesn't exclude them from being racists, or excuse their racist ideologies.[/QUOTE]

    Did you read what I wrote? are you responding to it?

    Impossible to tell by reading this post.

    I decried the use of 'ism' words to label someone in order to avoid the requirement of actually thinking about and responding to their ideas. Obstructionist, species-ist, anything-ist. To call someone a something-ist is to simplify to the point of absurdity. It is a dodge.

    I simply do not understand this response. Is it possible that NAH is actually that legendary room full of chimpanzees typing at random?

  • 03-29-2010
    [QUOTE=Kiwi Player]One of my friends is a blatant speciesist. When he comes home he pats the dog but kicks the cat, just for being a cat! Next time he does it I am going to call him out and tell that that that sort of speciesism is unacceptable and won't be tolerated.[/QUOTE]

    Is using a different recipe for chicken than you would for beef speciest?
  • 03-29-2010
    Not a hacker
    [QUOTE=daveperkins]Did you read what I wrote? are you responding to it?

    Impossible to tell by reading this post.

    I decried the use of 'ism' words to label someone in order to avoid the requirement of actually thinking about and responding to their ideas. Obstructionist, species-ist, anything-ist. To call someone a something-ist is to simplify to the point of absurdity. It is a dodge.

    I simply do not understand this response. Is it possible that NAH is actually that legendary room full of chimpanzees typing at random?

    I was responding to what I thought was you using the Bible to justify speciesist beliefs. I should have shortened the quote to clarify this. I sort of agree that there probably are too many isms in modern language, and the use of ism does sometime over simplify things, but in the case of specieism generally (not relating to your comments directly), it is a true ism.
  • 03-29-2010
    I'd rather be a speciest than a feceist . . . . .
  • 03-29-2010
    Not a hacker
    [QUOTE=Home-slicer]Is using a different recipe for chicken than you would for beef speciest?[/QUOTE]
    Only if you place a higher moral value on each dish based on species.
  • 03-29-2010
    Not a hacker
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]I'd rather be a speciest than a [B]feceist[/B] . . . . .[/QUOTE]
    Would Larry fall into this category? Or is it the actual people throwing the fecies from the shadows that Larry discriminates against who are fecesist?
  • 03-29-2010
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]I'd rather be a speciest than a feceist . . . . .[/QUOTE]


    I like doggies.

    I don't trust people that do not like dogs.

    There is something wrong with a person that is scared of dogs... maybe we can start a debate on this... but then I know how dogs think; big dogs like German Shepherds and Rotts...

    I love German Shepherds because I grew up with them, and my first one saved my brother's life from a pit bull (one of the crazy ass versions); true story, as I asked my mom for the details recently at a family dinner. I was only 4 at the time and my brother was 2...

    If you want to hear the story, as my mom told it, I will.

    You must say: "Tell us the story, Uncle Spank!"
  • 03-29-2010

    I like doggies.

    I don't trust people that do not like dogs.

    There is something wrong with a person that is scared of dogs... maybe we can start a debate on this... but then I know how dogs think; big dogs like German Shepherds and Rotts...

    I love German Shepherds because I grew up with them, and my first one saved my brother's life from a pit bull (one of the crazy ass versions); true story, as I asked my mom for the details recently at a family dinner. I was only 4 at the time and my brother was 2...

    If you want to hear the story, as my mom told it, I will.

    You must say: "Tell us the story, Uncle Spank!"[/QUOTE]

    I have had two german shepherds in my life and both of them were great. Very smart dogs. I don't like pit bulls though.

    Tell us the story, Spank . . . . .
  • 03-29-2010
    Not a hacker
    People who are scared of dogs are like people who don't drink beer. Can't be trusted.
  • 03-29-2010
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]I have had two german shepherds in my life and both of them were great. Very smart dogs. I don't like pit bulls though.

    Tell us the story, Spank . . . . .[/QUOTE]

    Thank you.

    I want to tell this story, but it will make me cry because I will digress into other matters of life... give me a couple of hours or a day.

    The story must be told. ;-(

    You are exempt from the "Uncle Spank" request.
  • 03-29-2010
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]People who are scared of dogs are like people who don't drink beer. Can't be trusted.[/QUOTE]

    Waiting for the train last Friday after work there was this guy on the platform that had two dogs. One was cute husky puppy and the other was this huge mean looking dog that looked like something between a German Shepherd and a Husky but much larger than any type of dog I've seen. The bike police rode up to him and asked what type of dog it was and I over heard him saying "He's mostly wolf...and the pup is his baby." I should of taken a picture. After he mentioned it, I took a good look at the face and he did look like a wolf. Not sure if I would feel 100% comfortable with that type of dog.
  • 03-29-2010
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]People who are scared of dogs are like people who don't drink beer. Can't be trusted.[/QUOTE]

    So . . . . . you going to tell me that if a pit bull was growling at you and his muzzle was only a few inches from your crotch you wouldn't be afraid?

    I like dogs, but I really kind of wish that Michael Vick a.k.a. Ron Mexico, would have exterminated that particular breed from the face of the earth. There doesn't seem to be a month that goes by around here that some little kid isn't getting their face mauled by a pit bull. I have no use for them.
  • 03-29-2010
    [QUOTE=Riverologist]Waiting for the train last Friday after work there was this guy on the platform that had two dogs. One was cute husky puppy and the other was this huge mean looking dog that looked like something between a German Shepherd and a Husky but much larger than any type of dog I've seen. The bike police rode up to him and asked what type of dog it was and I over heard him saying "He's mostly wolf...and the pup is his baby." I should of taken a picture. After he mentioned it, I took a good look at the face and he did look like a wolf. Not sure if I would feel 100% comfortable with that type of dog.[/QUOTE]

    Cool story...

    One trick when two dogs are fighting is to stick your finger up the bad dog's ass; it freaks them out and stops the fight... I prefer grabbing a rear ankle so you can swing the b!tch around if you have to, after they see your fist is up their ass.

    Your dog will be their last concern, trust me.

    Another time my dog ate the silver tinsel from the Christmas tree and she took a a big ass sh!t during a walk and was running around with around 4-5 tinsels sticking out of her ass...never saw that before; she was running like we were trying to kill her...

    and we finally, well, mom finally pulled it all out of her ass... When she was running she looked like the space shuttle.
  • 03-29-2010
    [QUOTE=spanqdoggie]Cool story...

    One trick when two dogs are fighting is to stick your finger up the bad dog's ass; it freaks them out and stops the fight... I prefer grabbing a rear ankle so you can swing the b!tch around if you have to, after they see your fist is up their ass.

    Another time my dog ate the silver tinsel from the Christmas tree and she took a a big ass sh!t during a walk and was running around with around 4-5 tinsels sticking out of her ass...never saw that before; she was running like we were trying to kill her...

    and we finally, well, mom finally pulled it all out of her ass.[/QUOTE]

    Oh, shite . . . . [img]http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol6.gif[/img] [img]http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol6.gif[/img] [img]http://smilies.sofrayt.com/eng/lol6.gif[/img]
  • 03-29-2010
    Not a hacker
    've heard pitty breeders over here mention the finger up the arse tactic to stop them fighting.
  • 03-29-2010
    Kiwi Player
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]'ve heard pitty breeders over here mention the finger up the arse tactic to stop them fighting.[/QUOTE]

    My mate had a German Shepherd and it got in a fight with another dog, definitely not a pitbull but one of those bulldog type breeds with the powerful jaws that can lock on and are almost impossible to pry open. This bulldog had latched onto his German Shepherd pretty good and he couldn't get him off. In desperation he didn't use the finger up the ass trick but instead grabbed it by the nuts. It immediately yelped and let go. I guess the finger up the ass trick would be the last resort if it was a b.itch or had been castrated.
  • 03-29-2010
    Kiwi Player
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]Only if you place a higher moral value on each dish based on species.[/QUOTE]

    I definitely place a higher moral value on a grilled beef steak than I do on grilled chicken wings. Oh no! :eek:

    I guess that makes me a prejudice, intolerant speciesist.

    I hang my head in shame. :(
  • 03-29-2010
    [QUOTE=Home-slicer]Is using a different recipe for chicken than you would for beef speciest?[/QUOTE]

    Absolutely. Beef absorbs spices whereas chicken doesn't. So an equal amount of spice added to both would make the chicken spiciest.
  • 03-29-2010
    [QUOTE=Kiwi Player]My mate had a German Shepherd and it got in a fight with another dog, definitely not a pitbull but one of those bulldog type breeds with the powerful jaws that can lock on and are almost impossible to pry open. This bulldog had latched onto his German Shepherd pretty good and he couldn't get him off. In desperation he didn't use the finger up the ass trick but instead grabbed it by the nuts. It immediately yelped and let go. I guess the finger up the ass trick would be the last resort if it was a b.itch or had been castrated.[/QUOTE]


    It is like street fighting; there are no rules, which is why I am against street fighting...

    If I have to get into an altercation, I am 41 years old, and I cannot run 5 minute miles anymore; I will slam a head into concrete, I will headbutt, I will take an eye out, etc...

    Men, like me, in their 40's and 50's are actually more dangerous than those in their 20's...

    We are not out to spar with someone trying to kill us us, we will kill or disable you in self defense. I will pull both of your eyeballs out with my thumbs before you can say, oops, retard.

    Fighting with strangers is not cool; it is very dangerous. Fighting with friends is another story.

    This is why I smile and be as friendly as I possibly can with everybody; life is much easier this way; I do not want someone walking around blind, or in a coma on my conscience again.

    I prefer to have many friends, but if something happens to me on the street, god forbid, there are no rules... it will be quick... I hope it never happens again.

    Then I have to again suffer with the consequences; therefore I try my best not to put myself in such a position...

    Youngsters, hurting someone attacking you does not make you feel good; it actually makes you feel bad...from both sides of the aisle. Do not fight, kids.

    Well, unless I can get dorkman to golf with me...

    On the 7th hole I will hop on his ass like a freaking kangaroo...

    Screw etiquette.

  • 03-29-2010
    Not a hacker

    It is like street fighting; there are no rules, which is why I am against street fighting...

    If I have to get into an altercation, I am 41 years old, and I cannot run 5 minute miles anymore; I will slam a head into concrete, I will headbutt, I will take an eye out, etc...

    Men, like me, in their 40's and 50's are actually more dangerous than those in their 20's...

    We are not out to spar with someone trying to kill us us, we will kill or disable you in self defense. I will pull both of your eyeballs out with my thumbs before you can say, oops, retard.

    Fighting with strangers is not cool; it is very dangerous. Fighting with friends is another story.

    This is why I smile and be as friendly as I possibly can with everybody; life is much easier this way; I do not want someone walking around blind, or in a coma on my conscience again.

    I prefer to have many friends, but if something happens to me on the street, god forbid, there are no rules... it will be quick... I hope it never happens again.

    Then I have to again suffer with the consequences; therefore I try my best not to put myself in such a position...

    Youngsters, hurting someone attacking you does not make you feel good; it actually makes you feel bad. Do not fight, kids...

    Well, unless I can get dorkman to golf with me...

    On the 7th hole I will hop on his ass like a freaking kangaroo...

    Screw etiquette.

    Very insightful and profound spank. I am also a subscriber to the avoid street fights at all costs theory. Luckily I have never been involved in a streetfight where myself or the other guy sustained injuries, but I have seen through work the lifelong repercussions one moment of madness can have. In a streetfight, nobody wins. You either end up in hospital or dead, or facing serious criminal charges, or both. Like you I wouldn't be averse to a friendly sparring session in a ring with gloves on, but I would never start a fight i the street no matter how provoked I was.
  • 03-29-2010
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]Very insightful and profound spank. I am also a subscriber to the avoid street fights at all costs theory. Luckily I have never been involved in a streetfight where myself or the other guy sustained injuries, but I have seen through work the lifelong repercussions one moment of madness can have. In a streetfight, nobody wins. You either end up in hospital or dead, or facing serious criminal charges, or both. Like you I wouldn't be averse to a friendly sparring session in a ring with gloves on, but I would never start a fight i the street no matter how provoked I was.[/QUOTE]

    Very wise words, indeed.
  • 03-29-2010
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]Very insightful and profound spank. I am also a subscriber to the avoid street fights at all costs theory. Luckily I have never been involved in a streetfight where myself or the other guy sustained injuries, but I have seen through work the lifelong repercussions one moment of madness can have. In a streetfight, nobody wins. You either end up in hospital or dead, or facing serious criminal charges, or both. Like you I wouldn't be averse to a friendly sparring session in a ring with gloves on, but I would never start a fight i the street no matter how provoked I was.[/QUOTE]

    I guess I've just been lucky. However mature or immature I might be, I'm my least mature when it comes to the fisticuffs. I've often wondered what it is that makes it so hard to resist for me. My ex says I'm lucky I'm not dead.
  • 03-29-2010
    Kiwi Player
    [QUOTE=lorenzoinoc]I guess I've just been lucky. However mature or immature I might be, I'm my least mature when it comes to the fisticuffs. I've often wondered what it is that makes it so hard to resist for me. My ex says I'm lucky I'm not dead.[/QUOTE]

    ... and all this time you had us thinking you were a lover, not a fighter.
  • 03-29-2010
    Kiwi Player
    [QUOTE=spanqdoggie] I will pull both of your eyeballs out with my thumbs before you can say, oops, retard.


    Those are my two favorite scenes in Kill Bill Vol.2.
  • 03-29-2010
    Not a hacker
    [QUOTE=spanqdoggie]Very wise words, indeed.[/QUOTE]
    I'm just lucky I learned them form other people's mistakes.
  • 03-30-2010
    [QUOTE=Kiwi Player]... and all this time you had us thinking you were a lover, not a fighter.[/QUOTE]
    Congrats Kiwi. This has got to be POTD.
  • 03-30-2010
    [QUOTE=Kiwi Player]Those are my two favorite scenes in Kill Bill Vol.2.[/QUOTE]

    I just purchased Kill Bill Volumes 1 & 2 two weeks ago. I love the series . . . .
  • 03-30-2010
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]I was responding to what I thought was you using the Bible to justify speciesist beliefs. I should have shortened the quote to clarify this. I sort of agree that there probably are too many isms in modern language, and the use of ism does sometime over simplify things, but in the case of specieism generally (not relating to your comments directly), it is a true ism.[/QUOTE]

    Well, 'speciesism' is only a different ([I]disapproving, negative[/I]) way of describing the view that man is more valuable, superior to, morally higher than, animals.

    I hold that view, and your use of the term implies that I have not arrived at that view through any exercise of rationality or ethical considerations, only as some nonthinking default position.

    It reduces my side to [B]nonthinking[/B]. It is dismissive.

    An "ism" is a reflexive position. You may have noticed that I can defend my positions. I do not hold ANY reflexive, nonthinking views. I may well be wrong on some of them but I do not often find someone willing to try to show me I"m wrong. They usually just dismiss me by calling me names..

    [B]'speciesist'[/B] being etymologically similar to '[B]racist'[/B], and purposefully used for that reason, for clarity, nevertheless it is still 'calling me names'. :-))

    If the premise for the use of the word 'speciesism' is to be taken literally, it is that (similar to minorities) animals are somehow 'equal' in some vague way to people, and believing they are inferior is a moral failure on the part of the person who believes this.

    It also presumes that, in believing animals to be inferior, I also tacitly permit and approve of treating them badly on that ground. Nothing I've said leads to this.

    using that term is a moral judgment against me, and one which my previous writings do not justify. ;-)
  • 03-30-2010
    Not a hacker
    [QUOTE=daveperkins]Well, 'speciesism' is only a different ([I]disapproving, negative[/I]) way of describing the view that man is more valuable, superior to, morally higher than, animals.

    I hold that view, and your use of the term implies that I have not arrived at that view through any exercise of rationality or ethical considerations, only as some nonthinking default position.

    It reduces my side to [B]nonthinking[/B]. It is dismissive.

    An "ism" is a reflexive position. You may have noticed that I can defend my positions. I do not hold ANY reflexive, nonthinking views. I may well be wrong on some of them but I do not often find someone willing to try to show me I"m wrong. They usually just dismiss me by calling me names..

    [B]'speciesist'[/B] being etymologically similar to '[B]racist'[/B], and purposefully used for that reason, for clarity, nevertheless it is still 'calling me names'. :-))

    If the premise for the use of the word 'speciesism' is to be taken literally, it is that (similar to minorities) animals are somehow 'equal' in some vague way to people, and believing they are inferior is a moral failure on the part of the person who believes this.

    It also presumes that, in believing animals to be inferior, I also tacitly permit and approve of treating them badly on that ground. Nothing I've said leads to this.

    using that term is a moral judgment against me, and one which my previous writings do not justify. ;-)[/QUOTE]
    I have not implied any amoral behaviour by you or anyone else. I merely stated that I blieve your comments to have a speciesist tone. Not all racists discriminate against other races. Not all sexists discriminate against women. It is their belief that another group is inferior to them based purely on that group being different to themselves. I certainly am not saying that speciesist's are inherently animal abusers, just that their beliefs are unjustly prejudiced. I won't try to prove you wrong, just read Sooner's post again as I could never put it into words better than that.
  • 03-30-2010
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]I have not implied any amoral behaviour by you or anyone else. I merely stated that I blieve your comments to have a speciesist tone. Not all racists discriminate against other races. Not all sexists discriminate against women. It is their belief that another group is inferior to them based purely on that group being different to themselves. I certainly am not saying that speciesist's are inherently animal abusers, just that their beliefs are unjustly prejudiced. I won't try to prove you wrong, just read Sooner's post again as I could never put it into words better than that.[/QUOTE]

    And I, mon vieux, have not said that you implied immoral [I]behavior[/I] (or amoral).

    I said you implied with that word 'speciesism' that my VIEW was immoral. The word you used was 'unjust' but it is the same implication.

    I hereby insist that holding that view is not 'unjust prejudice' but simply a way of seeing things. I deny the 'unjust' part, and also the 'prejudice' part, as I have not 'prejudged' but rather carefully examined the issue and rendered a judgment [I]after[/I] examination. Perhaps the word is 'postjudice' but it is not 'prejudice'.

    And I am no sexist or racist. The talk was of man compared to animals. There is no similarity to the other two views. I explained the differences which I have observed between man and animals and the conclusions I draw from them.

    I do not claim any such distinctions between men of different colors or men and women.

    I rest my case, and my brain. :-)))
  • 03-30-2010
    Not a hacker
    [QUOTE=daveperkins]And I, mon vieux, have not said that you implied immoral [I]behavior[/I] (or amoral).

    I said you implied with that word 'speciesism' that my VIEW was immoral. The word you used was 'unjust' but it is the same implication.

    I hereby insist that holding that view is not 'unjust prejudice' but simply a way of seeing things. I deny the 'unjust' part, and also the 'prejudice' part, as I have not 'prejudged' but rather carefully examined the issue and rendered a judgment [I]after[/I] examination. Perhaps the word is 'postjudice' but it is not 'prejudice'.

    [B]And I am no sexist or racist. The talk was of man compared to animals. There is no similarity to the other two views. I explained the differences which I have observed between man and animals and the conclusions I draw from them.[/B]

    I do not claim any such distinctions between men of different colors or men and women.

    I rest my case, and my brain. :-)))[/QUOTE]
    Dave, I used racism and sexism as comparisons in a general sense, they were not directed at your views. As we all know, things posted here can usually be taken with a grain of salt, and I would never accuse anyone on this forum of being anything based on their comments here.

    I think in this instance we have reached an impasse. You base your views on faith and the Bible, and I base my views on evidence, logic and scientific fact. I'm not trying to say either way is right or wrong, but they are wholly opposing arguments with very little common ground. I propose a ceasefire similar to the one in the Korean War. Nobody conceeds defeat and the war is still technically on, but there is a cease in hostilities.
  • 03-30-2010
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]Dave, I used racism and sexism as comparisons in a general sense, they were not directed at your views. As we all know, things posted here can usually be taken with a grain of salt, and I would never accuse anyone on this forum of being anything based on their comments here.

    I think in this instance we have reached an impasse. You base your views on faith and the Bible, and I base my views on evidence, logic and scientific fact. I'm not trying to say either way is right or wrong, but they are wholly opposing arguments with very little common ground. I propose a ceasefire similar to the one in the Korean War. Nobody conceeds defeat and the war is still technically on, but there is a cease in hostilities.[/QUOTE]

    As I said, I have rested my case. This is like sports to me, this back and forth. I use it to sharpen my arguments. And it's always fascinating to see what lurks beneath the fun exteriors of GR goofballs when you press them.. :-)

    Yer a gentleman and a scholar, NAH, and it's been a pleasure testing you. You have conviction. I respect and appreciate that.

    Until the next battle
  • 03-30-2010
    Not a hacker
    [QUOTE=daveperkins]As I said, I have rested my case. This is like sports to me, this back and forth. I use it to sharpen my arguments. And it's always fascinating to see what lurks beneath the fun exteriors of GR goofballs when you press them.. :-)

    Yer a gentleman and a scholar, NAH, and it's been a pleasure testing you. You have conviction. I respect and appreciate that.

    Until the next battle[/QUOTE]
    Well met chappy. Til then.
  • 04-05-2010
    Guys. I'm worried about BossHogg. I fear something terrible might have happened to him. Maybe Koolcat could go check on him.
    Boss, you could save us the trouble if you would just leave a post. A simple "fukk you" followed by a Bible verse would suffice.
  • 04-05-2010
    [QUOTE=Home-slicer]Guys. I'm worried about BossHogg. I fear something terrible might have happened to him. Maybe Koolcat could go check on him.
    Boss, you could save us the trouble if you would just leave a post. A simple "fukk you" followed by a Bible verse would suffice.[/QUOTE]

    Last night I saw that he was signed-in so he's still lurking out there. He's probably watching reruns of Ultraman right now.
  • 04-05-2010
    [QUOTE=Home-slicer]Guys. I'm worried about BossHogg. I fear something terrible might have happened to him. Maybe Koolcat could go check on him.
    Boss, you could save us the trouble if you would just leave a post. A simple "fukk you" followed by a Bible verse would suffice.[/QUOTE]

    Just like a long drive specialist. Claims he'll beat you on the course, but after he tees off, he disappears.
  • 04-05-2010
    Oh but contrair, I am still around lurking in the darkness and I will jump out when you least expect. I fear that my fan base is missing me...LOL I've been real busy I have been keeping an eye on everything.

  • 04-05-2010
    [QUOTE=BossGodwin]Oh but contrair, I am still around lurking in the darkness and I will jump out when you least expect. I fear that my fan base is missing me...LOL I've been real busy I have been keeping an eye on everything.


    Glad you're ok. Productivity goes way down when the boss is absent. Steven Van Zandt is proof of this.
  • 04-05-2010
    This speceism bull crap is about the most rediculous thing I have ever heard. I am guessing that Hacker is some crazy, radical, democrat who thinks all species should be equal and we should allow dogs to be able to sue people because we treat them like crap. A dog is a friecken dog and a cat is a cat.

    Humans are the most complex organism on the face of the earth and the known universe. There is a hierarchy of species and we are obviously the dominant species. No other animals have the intellect that a human does nor do they have 'free will' as humans do. Animals make distinctive decisions without having a conscience. If you think that all animals are created equal then you should go live with the monkeys and see if they don't tear you to shreds and eat you. They will not treat you as an equal nor should we treat other animals as equals. Humans are considered the master of cats, dogs, etc. for a reason.

    Specieism, I have gotten a kick about this one. I treat my cat and dog the way they should be but don't expect me to give a crap if we have to kill off a few animals for the survival of mankind. This is about as retarded as you can get.

  • 04-05-2010
    [QUOTE=BossGodwin]This speceism bull crap is about the most rediculous thing I have ever heard.[B] I am guessing that Hacker is some crazy, radical, democrat[/B] who thinks all species should be equal and we should allow dogs to be able to sue people because we treat them like crap. A dog is a friecken dog and a cat is a cat.

    Humans are the most complex organism on the face of the earth and the known universe. There is a hierarchy of species and we are obviously the dominant species. No other animals have the intellect that a human does nor do they have 'free will' as humans do. Animals make distinctive decisions without having a conscience. If you think that all animals are created equal then you should go live with the monkeys and see if they don't tear you to shreds and eat you. They will not treat you as an equal nor should we treat other animals as equals. Humans are considered the master of cats, dogs, etc. for a reason.

    Specieism, I have gotten a kick about this one. I treat my cat and dog the way they should be but don't expect me to give a crap if we have to kill off a few animals for the survival of mankind. This is about as retarded as you can get.


    No, . . . . . . NAH is an Aussie, . . . . . a crazy, radical democrat would be a step up for him.
  • 04-05-2010
    :p [QUOTE=SoonerBS]No, . . . . . . NAH is an Aussie, . . . . . a crazy, radical democrat would be a step up for him.[/QUOTE]

    It's those tight khaki short shorts they wear. It eventually drives them insane enough to do things like dangle their babies over crocodiles and swim with giant stngrays.
  • 04-05-2010
    Not a hacker
    [QUOTE=BossGodwin]This speceism bull crap is about the most rediculous thing I have ever heard. I am guessing that Hacker is some crazy, radical, democrat who thinks all species should be equal and we should allow dogs to be able to sue people because we treat them like crap. A dog is a friecken dog and a cat is a cat.

    Humans are the most complex organism on the face of the earth and the known universe. There is a hierarchy of species and we are obviously the dominant species. No other animals have the intellect that a human does nor do they have 'free will' as humans do. Animals make distinctive decisions without having a conscience. If you think that all animals are created equal then you should go live with the monkeys and see if they don't tear you to shreds and eat you. They will not treat you as an equal nor should we treat other animals as equals. Humans are considered the master of cats, dogs, etc. for a reason.

    Specieism, I have gotten a kick about this one. I treat my cat and dog the way they should be but don't expect me to give a crap if we have to kill off a few animals for the survival of mankind. This is about as retarded as you can get.

    Hey Einstein,

    Why don't go do a couple of bank heists and get yourself a lag in a federal penetentiary for a few years and let us all know how equally treated you were by the other inmates, and how they didn't tear you to shreds and rape you daily, and tell us how much more civilised humans are. Speciesism, like racism, sexism and homophobia, is a concept that is beyond the grasp of the ignorant and closed minded. From everything you've posted since arriving, I wouldn't expect you to understand it.
  • 04-05-2010
    Not a hacker
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]No, . . . . . . NAH is an Aussie, . . . . . a crazy, radical democrat would be a step up for him.[/QUOTE]
    I resemble that comment.
  • 04-05-2010
    Not a hacker

    It's those tight khaki short shorts they wear. It eventually drives them insane enough to do things like dangle their babies over crocodiles and swim with giant stngrays.[/QUOTE]
    The man you mock was the greatest of men and a bona fide A list celebrity in your country. I personally used to love it when he went snorkelling around reefs, still dressed in his khaki shorts and shirt. His passing was a tremendous loss for wild animals all over the world.
  • 04-05-2010
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]Hey Einstein,

    Why don't go do a couple of bank heists and get yourself a lag in a federal penetentiary for a few years and let us all know how equally treated you were by the other inmates, and how they didn't tear you to shreds and rape you daily, and tell us how much more civilised humans are. Speciesism, like racism, sexism and homophobia, is a concept that is beyond the grasp of the ignorant and closed minded. From everything you've posted since arriving, I wouldn't expect you to understand it.[/QUOTE]

    I have to agree, amongst all species, though I think we hold the capability for the highest intelligence, we are also the most violent and mean species on the planet. Most species kill for survival, we kill for several reasons, but most of it is for pleasure and cruelty.

    I've been watching too many movies lately like, "Hotel Rwanda," "The King of Scotland," and "The Killing Fields." I'm becoming to believe that despite the lunatics that live in civilizations all over the world, the continent of Africa has the meanest individuals in history and present per capita.
  • 04-05-2010
    Not a hacker
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]I have to agree, amongst all species, though I think we hold the capability for the highest intelligence, we are also the most violent and mean species on the planet. Most species kill for survival, we kill for several reasons, but most of it is for pleasure and cruelty.

    I've been watching too many movies lately like, "Hotel Rwanda," "The King of Scotland," and "The Killing Fields." I'm becoming to believe that despite the lunatics that live in civilizations all over the world, the continent of Africa has the meanest individuals in history and present per capita.[/QUOTE]
    The continent of Africa is certainly in a bad place. Every time you hear of massacres there it seems to be exclusively women and small children who are murdered by soldiers who are entrusted with protecting them. The level of disregard the soldiers show for their fellow humans there is staggering.
  • 04-05-2010
    However you might feel about Christianity, fact is, places it's spread through history, whether as a result of the crusades or some other influence, are more civilized. Compassion is greater as is the value placed on human life. The crusades didn't make it to Africa, Asia or for that matter Germany. Without the planting of those seeds in the past, things are different.
  • 04-05-2010
    Not a hacker
    [QUOTE=lorenzoinoc]However you might feel about Christianity, fact is, places it's spread through history, whether as a result of the crusades or some other influence, are more civilized. Compassion is greater as is the value placed on human life. The crusades didn't make it to Africa, Asia or for that matter Germany. Without the planting of those seeds in the past, things are different.[/QUOTE]
    This is true for many parts of the world, but depending on your interpretation of civilized, it could be argued that Buddhism places a higher value on all life than Christianity. Taoists also preach compassion towards all living beings. IMO practitioners of both these religions achieve a higher level of civilized behaviour than the average christian, although I believe atheism is the highest level of civilization humans have so far achieved.
  • 04-05-2010
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]This is true for many parts of the world, but depending on your interpretation of civilized, it could be argued that Buddhism places a higher value on all life than Christianity. Taoists also preach compassion towards all living beings. IMO practitioners of both these religions achieve a higher level of civilized behaviour than the average christian, although I believe atheism is the highest level of civilization humans have so far achieved.[/QUOTE]

    A man arrived home one day after work and there were 15 stones in a straight line in front of his house; exactly straight... The man figured that perhaps it happened by chance, but maybe someone did it; it had to have happened by chance, he figured.

    The next day he showed up and there were 150 small stones in a perfect line in front of his house. The man figured that perhaps the wind blew the stones into a perfect line, but possibly, someone placed them there in a straight line.

    The third day, the man showed up, and there were 800 stones forming a perfect circle in front of his home. The man thought about it, and said to himself, "perhaps the wind created this perfect circle" and he looked up at a hummingbird, wings flapping over a thousand beats per minute, and he said, "Chance."

    Man still has not created anything that can flap wings over a thousand times a minute, but blind chance can.

    NAH, you are the man above. ;-)

    It actually takes greater faith to believe in atheism than it does to believe intelligent design. Unless you think a hummingbird came about by accident.

    A gentler, kinder me.

    (for now)

  • 04-05-2010
    Not a hacker
    [QUOTE=spanqdoggie]A man arrived home one day after work and there were 15 stones in a straight line in front of his house; exactly straight... The man figured that perhaps it happened by chance, but maybe someone did it; it had to have happened by chance, he figured.

    The next day he showed up and there were 150 small stones in a perfect line in front of his house. The man figured that perhaps the wind blew the stones into a perfect line, but possibly, someone placed them there in a straight line.

    The third day, the man showed up, and there were 800 stones forming a perfect circle in front of his home. The man thought about it, and said to himself, "perhaps the wind created this perfect circle" and he looked up at a hummingbird, wings flapping over a thousand beats per minute, and he said, "Chance."

    Man still has not created anything that can flap wings over a thousand times a minute, but blind chance can.

    NAH, you are the man above. ;-)

    It actually takes greater faith to believe in atheism than it does to believe intelligent design. Unless you think a hummingbird came about by accident.

    A gentler, kinder me.

    (for now)

    It will take me a while to digest all of this Spank. I'll try to post a a more expansive response then, but for the time being you have raised the issue of intelligent design. You have implied that intelligent design is the opposite of atheism, therfore ID equates to religion. I don't believe that ID is the exclusive realm of religion. Religion is certainly an example of itelligent design but the two are not mutually exclusive IMO.

    Actually, you may have just opened a whole new can of worms which may take this thread well past 300 posts.
  • 04-05-2010
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]This is true for many parts of the world, but depending on your interpretation of civilized, it could be argued that Buddhism places a higher value on all life than Christianity. Taoists also preach compassion towards all living beings. IMO practitioners of both these religions achieve a higher level of civilized behaviour than the average christian, although I believe atheism is the highest level of civilization humans have so far achieved.[/QUOTE]

    Perhaps they are, the argument can be made. But if so it reinforces my point. Some religions lessen the brutal, natural urges of man, whether you attribute it to principle or conformity. Otherwise selection rules. Selection produced man, however dastardly he might be.
  • 04-05-2010
    [QUOTE=spanqdoggie]A man arrived home one day after work and there were 15 stones in a straight line in front of his house; exactly straight... The man figured that perhaps it happened by chance, but maybe someone did it; it had to have happened by chance, he figured.

    The next day he showed up and there were 150 small stones in a perfect line in front of his house. The man figured that perhaps the wind blew the stones into a perfect line, but possibly, someone placed them there in a straight line.

    The third day, the man showed up, and there were 800 stones forming a perfect circle in front of his home. The man thought about it, and said to himself, "perhaps the wind created this perfect circle" and he looked up at a hummingbird, wings flapping over a thousand beats per minute, and he said, "Chance."

    Man still has not created anything that can flap wings over a thousand times a minute, but blind chance can.

    NAH, you are the man above. ;-)

    It actually takes greater faith to believe in atheism than it does to believe intelligent design. Unless you think a hummingbird came about by accident.

    A gentler, kinder me.

    (for now)


    Interesting, Spank. Fact is, man can't explain things like this. We're just not equipped. We can employ a god model or an atheist model, but I suspect there's another explanation we just aren't advanced enough to perceive.
  • 04-06-2010
    [QUOTE=Not a hacker]It will take me a while to digest all of this Spank. I'll try to post a a more expansive response then, but for the time being you have raised the issue of intelligent design. You have implied that intelligent design is the opposite of atheism, therfore ID equates to religion. I don't believe that ID is the exclusive realm of religion. Religion is certainly an example of itelligent design but the two are not mutually exclusive IMO.

    Actually, you may have just opened a whole new can of worms which may take this thread well past 300 posts.[/QUOTE]

    Chances are that you will not fully comprehend all that Spank has given you here as Spank is a deep thinker and his thoughts are sometimes beyond the comprehension of us mere mortal men.

  • 04-06-2010
    Kiwi Player
    [QUOTE=SoonerBS]Chances are that you will not fully comprehend all that Spank has given you here as Spank is a deep thinker and his thoughts are sometimes beyond the comprehension of us mere mortal men.


    Love that smilie Sooner! :D