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  1. #1
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    Outrageous Mainstream Media Bias


    Next week ABC News is going to basically use the White House (and visa versa) for totally partisan advantage. Unlike when GWB was president, after any statement, the "opposition" was given free TV or radio time to state their case. Not this time. ABC will simply allow Obama say whatever he wants to without even an attempt to allow the other side their say.

    This is outrageous--in fact the act of a totalitarian government. We're not there yet!

    I suggest all who want our country back to notice ABC's sponsors. Then write a letter or send an email telling that company of your outrage at this--and of your intention to buy their competitor's product instead.

    Boycott what they advertise!

    I guarantee it will work. Republicans are at least 45% of this country-- and our buying power is enormous! They will respond.


  2. #2
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    Just make sure you don't mention where you found out about it people, or you may find yourself on the same government agency watch-lists as LarryRSF.
    Last edited by Not a hacker; 06-16-2009 at 09:03 PM.
    The views expressed by Not a Hacker are not meant to be understood by you primitive screw heads. Don't take it personally, just sit back and enjoy the writings of your better.

  3. #3
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    I was looking at the internet news today on Google. I saw two versions of the same story about the falling cost of goods.

    Bloomberg discussed it as a sign of a still weak economy.
    CNN mentioned in their headline that it was a promising sign that "inflation is under control."

    Go figure....
    Seldom right, never in doubt......

  4. #4
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    First of all, the media have no bias except for what gets ratings.
    It's not news. It's entertainment.

    There is no news reportage available anywhere on TV because no profitable demographic wants it.

    TV will show whatever will get ratings from the specific demographic that the sponsors want to reach. Again, it's just entertainment.

    If conservatives don't like what's on ABC that night, that's probably because the sponsors are selling to somebody else. Watch Fox.

  5. #5
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    I receive most of my news from The Onion. Did you know that we lag other nations in the training of child soldiers? This is uncalled for and we need funding to get back on track!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by collegegolfer
    I receive most of my news from The Onion. Did you know that we lag other nations in the training of child soldiers? This is uncalled for and we need funding to get back on track!
    Not a bad source of info, but I prefer to get all my news from the Non-golf Forum in Golfreview.
    fred3 antagonizer
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    *Plus many more accolades that are the cause of jealousy

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by dorkman53
    I was looking at the internet news today on Google. I saw two versions of the same story about the falling cost of goods.

    Bloomberg discussed it as a sign of a still weak economy.
    CNN mentioned in their headline that it was a promising sign that "inflation is under control."

    Go figure....
    CNN (we used to call it the "Clinton News Network," is losing advertisers fast as they learn that people are changing channels to Fox. Fox beats ALL of the other cable channels combined in the most important hours every day. O'Reilly is MORE popular that Katy Couric and other mainstream talking heads. If the current trend continues, Fox will overtake CBS shortly and threaten NBC. The sponsors are king--and they move their ads where the people watch TV.

    So WHEN thousands of us contact the sponsors of ABC's outrageous event with the White House, tell them of our boycott of their products-- they will reconsider.

    In fact they are already reconsidering... they have heard of the coming boycott... And how can they ask for credibility in the future after they so blatantly abandon all pretense of objectivity???. Who cares what a prostitute network broadcasts? Their "news" from such a source will be untrustworthy by definition.

    They are driving more hoards to Fox News, which really is "fair and balanced."


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Larryrsf
    CNN (we used to call it the "Clinton News Network," is losing advertisers fast as they learn that people are changing channels to Fox. Fox beats ALL of the other cable channels combined in the most important hours every day. O'Reilly is MORE popular that Katy Couric and other mainstream talking heads. If the current trend continues, Fox will overtake CBS shortly and threaten NBC. The sponsors are king--and they move their ads where the people watch TV.

    So WHEN thousands of us contact the sponsors of ABC's outrageous event with the White House, tell them of our boycott of their products-- they will reconsider.

    In fact they are already reconsidering... they have heard of the coming boycott... And how can they ask for credibility in the future after they so blatantly abandon all pretense of objectivity???. Who cares what a prostitute network broadcasts? Their "news" from such a source will be untrustworthy by definition.

    They are driving more hoards to Fox News, which really is "fair and balanced."


    Faux news is so Right wing its not funny. Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly... Fair and balanced? LOL What?!?!
    Started golfing June-2008

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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by collegegolfer
    I receive most of my news from The Onion. Did you know that we lag other nations in the training of child soldiers? This is uncalled for and we need funding to get back on track!

    LOLOLOL.......you must fit in real well in the PC atmosphere of modern college campii(sic). It has been several years (couple of decades) since I graced the halls of academia, but I do business with such liberal loony bins as Bard College, Skidmore, Bennington, and Vassar. "Coming Out Day" at U Albany is simply an event that should be witnessed at least once.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeadlySight
    Faux news is so Right wing its not funny. Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly... Fair and balanced? LOL What?!?!
    Such comments about Fox, Rush, and Hannity, et. al. seem ALWAYS to come from people who don't actually watch or listen to those sources. When challenged, your ilk admits that they have "heard" what occurs on FNC or what Rush said, etc. But they haven't personally listened or watched enough for any reasonable person to form an objective opinion.

    "Don't bother me with facts--my mind is made up!"

    That is just stupid. Please do your homework.


  11. #11
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    Very true. I have liberal friends that refuse to watch Fox news. They don't even realize THEY are the ones being brainwashed by the media they watch. I watch and visit websites for Fox News, CNN, and NBC on a daily basis. I try to get both sides of any major issue. Here's a perfect example of what you get when you rely on CNN as your news source:

    Back in May, the day after they busted the terror suspects in New York who had bought fake plastic explosives from an FBI nformant and planned to bomb synagogues and other locations in NY, you could not even find the story on cnn.com. I tried using their search engine and looked all through the site, nothing. However, on their FRONT PAGE they decided to run a story about abuses at Abu Grahib that happened over 18 months ago. I mean, WTF??? Is it their goal to inspire the terrorists and give them even more reasons to attack us?

    It seems more and more people are starting to wake up and realize that Obama is clueless and driving this country deeper and deeper into a hole. I've spoken to a few people that admit they regret voting for Obama. Others are too proud or too ignorant to admit that they made a mistake. Unfortunately, we are very close to a point where over 50% of this country makes their living off of the people that actually are productive and pay taxes. Once that gets over 50% there is no turning back. Obama wants to give illegals amnesty in order to get their votes. How can people be so stupid and not see what he is doing to our country???

  12. #12
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    I think we are all brainwashed to some extent. Every major tv network, government, capitalist corporation, and advertising company is trying to brainwash you. It begins when you are a small child and you see groups of kids having fun at McDonalds on tv. I think the truth is that nobody is right or innocent when it comes to this. It's just a matter of different personality types responding to different brainwashing techniques. We just choose to believe the propoganda that supports our own personal views. That's why debates here will have no effect whatsoever on anyone, no matter how many facts you throw out. We believe what we want to believe, and all the logic and facts in the world isn't going to change the hearts and minds of people.

    If you doubt me just go look at the religion thread.
    The views expressed by Not a Hacker are not meant to be understood by you primitive screw heads. Don't take it personally, just sit back and enjoy the writings of your better.

  13. #13
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    Good point. My issue is with close minded liberals who prefer to stick their head in the sand and only get their 'news' from one sided, completely biased sources.

  14. #14
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    I try to get my news from balanced sources. I would add BBC to your list so you can get a world perspective. I watch Fox news and like much of their news. (here come the thread-jack). What I don't get about most Right wing talk shows and even some of the news on Fox is the hatred. I don't get the angry montra - lot's of red faces, pissed of people. No discussion just straight to yelling, finger pointing, fist pounding antics. The other issue I have with the republican's as a whole is the highjacking of the party by the religious conservative. Come on, Sarah Palin for VP? That was nothing but a nod to the religious right. There's no way in hell I would allow her the chance to be VP and possible president; she is not qualified. I was on the fence until that point and it put the nail in GOP's coffin. With decisions like that what other harebrained ideas did McCain have? Like many elections it was about the lesser of two evils for the moderates in this country. Why the hell would you swing to your base after you won the nomination of the party. What an idiot you move toward the middle after you get nominated so you can pick up the moderates.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by poe4soul
    I try to get my news from balanced sources. I would add BBC to your list so you can get a world perspective. I watch Fox news and like much of their news. (here come the thread-jack). What I don't get about most Right wing talk shows and even some of the news on Fox is the hatred. I don't get the angry montra - lot's of red faces, pissed of people. No discussion just straight to yelling, finger pointing, fist pounding antics. The other issue I have with the republican's as a whole is the highjacking of the party by the religious conservative. Come on, Sarah Palin for VP? That was nothing but a nod to the religious right. There's no way in hell I would allow her the chance to be VP and possible president; she is not qualified. I was on the fence until that point and it put the nail in GOP's coffin. With decisions like that what other harebrained ideas did McCain have? Like many elections it was about the lesser of two evils for the moderates in this country. Why the hell would you swing to your base after you won the nomination of the party. What an idiot you move toward the middle after you get nominated so you can pick up the moderates.
    Sarah Palin is FAR more qualfied than the moron sitting there now! She has been an EXTREMELY successful governor. She was 90% popular before the MSM discovered her and started their smear. She is still 80% popular because she is competent, and has delivered for Alaskans.

    In contrast Obama is failiing fast.... virtually everything he has "done" has backfired into a disaster. $700 BILLION in TARP funds is basically missing, they cannot account for where it went! Soon, despite the Obama administration's attempts to keep it buried, we will learn details of the massive fraud that happened-- as he used that money to reward those who voted for him or brought votes to him. BILLIONS went to ACORN, the band of crooks who specialized in voter fraud (and Obama's former employer!).

    McCain is no genius-- but a genius is not required to be a great president. President McCain's staff would have been overwhelmingly competent. Good people would have flocked in to help him. Harry Truman was not educated. Our best presidents have been able to surround themselves with competents. Sarah Palin has done that. In contrast, Obama has surrounded himself with political hacks-- crooks like Rahm Immanuel from the Chicago mob. That group trust Obama ONLY to read what they wrote in a teleprompter. He sounds like an idiot without it. Duh, he is an idiot who cannot release his school transcripts-- he failed but was passed due to "affirmative action." I know you suspect that too.

    I read the books about Obama before the election. I KNEW what he was capable of doing. His ONLY friends were radical leftists. He had NEVER shown any capability to manage or make decisions. He did drugs and likely failed most of the schools he attended-- but got through because he was black. You didn't do your homework-- and stupidly chose a leftist incompetent over the steadfast 28 year Senator and son of admirals. Your ilk brought this mess down on us.


  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Larryrsf
    Sarah Palin is FAR more qualfied than the moron sitting there now! She has been an EXTREMELY successful governor. She was 90% popular before the MSM discovered her and started their smear. She is still 80% popular because she is competent, and has delivered for Alaskans.
    Might want to revisit that one. http://www.haysresearch.com/oc050509.htm She's about 50/50 right now. She's also a governor of one of our smallest states. Their population is about the size of many of our small cities. Less than Portland were I live. I wouldn't say any of our mayors have been qualified either. Same difference.

    She's ignorant and showed it on many occasions. You really don't want me to link her interviews? Not qualified, end of discussion. And to think she would have been one heartbeat away from being President. No way. It killed McCain's campaign.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by poe4soul
    Might want to revisit that one. http://www.haysresearch.com/oc050509.htm She's about 50/50 right now. She's also a governor of one of our smallest states. Their population is about the size of many of our small cities. Less than Portland were I live. I wouldn't say any of our mayors have been qualified either. Same difference.

    She's ignorant and showed it on many occasions. You really don't want me to link her interviews? Not qualified, end of discussion. And to think she would have been one heartbeat away from being President. No way. It killed McCain's campaign.
    I agree. Palin basically made me resign to the fact that Obama was going to win in an epic landslide. At first I felt sorry that everyone in the media was jumping down her throat, exagerrating her inexperience and level of discourse about the issues. Then I watched her debate Biden and heard her Couric interview. McCain's an old man and 4 years is a long time. .
    fred3 antagonizer
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    *Plus many more accolades that are the cause of jealousy

  18. #18
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    I don't understand why they put Palin on the ticket. They already had the right wing religitards. As soon as they put her on the ticket they lost many of the centrists, moderates, independents that were still on the fence. However, I don't think the republicans could have won under any circumstances. With the media in the bag for Obama, they had the masses convinced that Obama was the messiah, Bush was the devil, and McCain was Bush. Republicans did not stand a chance...

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by poe4soul
    Might want to revisit that one. http://www.haysresearch.com/oc050509.htm She's about 50/50 right now. She's also a governor of one of our smallest states. Their population is about the size of many of our small cities. Less than Portland were I live. I wouldn't say any of our mayors have been qualified either. Same difference.

    She's ignorant and showed it on many occasions. You really don't want me to link her interviews? Not qualified, end of discussion. And to think she would have been one heartbeat away from being President. No way. It killed McCain's campaign.
    She is NOT "ignorant." You have been brainwashed. You believe what they want you to believe. You bent over and became their fool--you failed to do your homework, you failed to watch and read sources other than CNN, NY Times, etc. You probably hate GW Bush too.

    The mainstream media purposefully SLAUGHTERED her. As you know, the MSM did 100 times the background research on Palin (a VP Candidate) that they did on Obama-the Presidential candidate. NO MSM reporters went to Chicago or out to Hawaii or over to Indonesia or Kenya. Obama said there are "57 states." They gave him a pass while they dug through Sarah Palin exhaustively. They would still be howling if Palin had said that.

    The "interviews" by CBS and ABC were both shameless ambushes. NOBODY could have answered those questions and not looked stupid. What was the "Bush Doctrine?" There is none, yet Smith asked the question seriously and looked over his glasses at her on national TV. She should have just ended the interview.

    Regardless of everything, as a City Council member, city Mayor, and then State Governor, she was putatively far more qualified for promotion to higher office than Obama--who only voted "present" while in the Illinois Legislature.

    Palin could have done the job as president. Judging by her 100% track record of stepping up and doing whatever is necessary to get the job done, no objective person could doubt that she would have quickly learned.

    In contrast, in the last months Obama has conclusively proved that he was NOT QUALIFIED to become president--and seems incapable of learning. He was not qualified to be the 4th level assistent to a president. He is a bumbling fool who can only read a teleprompter. The world is presently taking advantage of America's pathetically weak leader.

    Where are his school transcripts? Why won't he release them?

    How did he travel to Pakistan in the early 80's when he did NOT have a US Passport and Pakistan was on the "No travel" list?


  20. #20
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    Ambush? "What books do you read?" is not an ambush question. Here's the clip to refresh your memory of her buffoonery. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9go38...eature=related

    "Present" vote in Illinois is an option and is equivalently counted as a "no" vote. It's a political tactic and I would expect any representative to vote the way that is best. If "present" is best than that's the way he should have voted. Oregon has a law that it takes a super majority to pass any taxes/fees in non primary elections. You often have more power to not vote than to vote "no". I imagine it's the same idea as voting "present". It's logical and it doesn't bother me.

    You're right, I don't like GW Bush. Mostly because I'm a fiscal conservative, social liberal and he's the exact opposite, a fiscal liberal/social conservative. I don't like the fiscal hole dug under his presidency as far as debt goes. We also have a larger government thanks to Bush. BTW - is that a republican idea? Bigger government? hmmm. I didn't like his use of his faith for political gain. I don't like the liberty he's taken from us - the US citizen's in the name of War. I didn't like most his cabinet, especially Rummy. I especially found his loyalty to his political associates like Rummy hurt the US and it turned out to be a character flaw. I though his first nomination for the US Supreme Court was a joke but probably his best political move of this two term office to get Robert's appointed with ease. I don't like that he got us into the Iraq war without a strong coalition. I don't mind the war but he should/could of done a better job getting other nations committed to helping. I don't like the fact that he lied to us about WMD's with strong statements about "knowing were they are." If they knew were they were why didn't we secure them? hmmm. The weapons that did exist were not protected when we sacked Iraq. But then he has one of the lowest approval ratings and the highest disapproval ratings for presidents. So I'm not alone is these opinions.

    If your troubled by these things about Obama you must have been beside yourself to learn of bushes alcohol/drug abuse and his lack of business knowledge running everything he touch into the ground. Or are you brainwashed as well?

  21. #21
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    You've finally done it. You make a lot of big calls, but even you have outdone yourself this time. You have finally made a statement of which we can all come to the same conclusion (except you). There is not a single person on either side of the fence who would agree that Palin is anything but a total incompetent retard. Congratulations.
    The views expressed by Not a Hacker are not meant to be understood by you primitive screw heads. Don't take it personally, just sit back and enjoy the writings of your better.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Not a hacker

    You've finally done it. You make a lot of big calls, but even you have outdone yourself this time. You have finally made a statement of which we can all come to the same conclusion (except you). There is not a single person on either side of the fence who would agree that Palin is anything but a total incompetent retard. Congratulations.
    That would be equvalent to an Australian candidate for prime minister choosing Pauline Hanson as his runnig mate.
    I chose the road less traveled.

    Now where the f#ck am I?

  23. #23
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    I thought the nomination was a political stunt. Of course you can't argue with the fact that Palin was still more qualified than Obama. Plus, you can pull out all the YouTube video you want but Joe Biden has made more moronic statements than Palin and continues to do so. Even so he should have gone with experience over trying to get the female vote. He should have gone the other way and nominated Colin Powell.

  24. #24
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    Colin was so burned by the GOP. Do you really think he would be open to a VP position for the GOP.

  25. #25
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    I heard Palin was going to apply for the director of NASA position because she can see the moon from her front porch.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by poe4soul
    I heard Palin was going to apply for the director of NASA position because she can see the moon from her front porch.

    Ahahahahahaha!!!!!! LMAO! Thank you for the belly laughs poe.

    I have an 8" telescope that can see Pluto. I should give Disney a call... I wonder if they know he's missing?

    I've known village idiots who were smarter than Palin. I only need one word to evidence just how stupid that woman is - DINOSAURS.

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  27. #27
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    Another great Republican walking the Appalachians showed us the true morals of the party. He voted to impeach Clinton. Hypocrite. Larry, this isn't meant as a personal attack, but you scare the daylights out of me.

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