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  1. #1
    PGApro Guest

    Lightbulb Let's have Golfreview "Fantasy Golf" competition.

    I have noticed other golf forums are signing up for a friendly Fantasy Golf competition at Yahoo or Sporting News or other places.

    1 iron or Hackmeister, or anybody else, do you know how to set it up? Golfreview members could sign up and play against each other. The winner will get a prize. I will fork over a club from my garage to the winner, even.

    How do we start this?

    not a pro, but I hope to be one.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Rep Power
    Fantasy golf?

    1 Iron would definitely rule!!!

  3. #3
    PGApro Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Earl
    Fantasy golf?

    1 Iron would definitely rule!!!
    Ha ha! That is true, but I am thinking something like this I saw at another golf site:

    Everybody gets 4 million dollars and you pick the players. I have never done it. Sounds like fun.

    not a pro, but I hope to be one someday

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