Question on "closed face" drivers...
Thinking about going from a "square" face Nike drive to an open face Callaway BB 454 driver with a closed face. They have a 1 degree 13 degree loft and a 4 degree 15 degree loft. My question is will one degree of "closed" make any difference or should I go to 4? I do slice right all the time with the driver. THanks
Any suggestions on manufacturers of closed face drivers?
I would just learn to hit the club u have getting a close face driver is like putting training wheels back on ur kids bike after he has already learned to ride without them.I know lots of people who have played slices succesfully,and as they improve it becomes a fade.
If ur swing produces a slice chances r a closed face driver will just sart ur slice out a little bit left and lower than usual. Club can't change ur swing.
Try closing the face of ur currant driver a couple off degres and c if it helps u at all if u rotate the club slightly in ur grip it should be like the same thing .
 Originally Posted by jordoo
I would just learn to hit the club u have getting a close face driver is like putting training wheels back on ur kids bike after he has already learned to ride without them.I know lots of people who have played slices succesfully,and as they improve it becomes a fade.
If ur swing produces a slice chances r a closed face driver will just sart ur slice out a little bit left and lower than usual. Club can't change ur swing.
Try closing the face of ur currant driver a couple off degres and c if it helps u at all if u rotate the club slightly in ur grip it should be like the same thing .
Yes, fix your swing. Don't add a crutch to your game with a closed face driver. With that said, I've hit the Cobra SZ driver left every single time. That might help you short term but fixing your swing will serve you better in the long run.
I absolutely agree. Closed face drivers and offset drivers are a crutch. If one doesn't want to expend the time and effort to fix the problem, then fine, use the crutch and enjoy the game. But if you want to develop a truer swing, then a driver with more than one degree of face closure may present problems. Now that I've had some instruction, I hit far straighter with my square faced driver than I ever did with previous closed face drivers I've had.
But I'd never categorically say, "Don't get a closed face driver"; just realize that it is first and foremost a way of adapting and compensating for a fundamental swing flaw. It is meant to correct the dreaded slice. However, a closed face will likely lead to hooks if a good swing is used on them.
Seldom right, never in doubt......
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