Taylor Made CBs vs. Mizuno MP 30s
I recently purchased a set of Mizuno 30s and I love them. Went to a demo day and was fit by the Mizuno rep. Being fitted by a Mizuno rep is something I highly recommend. First of all, Mizuno "standards specs" are very far off from the standard specs of american manufacturers. Better yet, after being fit I was able to hit a variety of shafts to find the ideal one for me. Furthermore, I spoke to at least five salesmen from various golf stores and not one of them caught on to the fact that I would benefit from a higher lie angle. It took the rep 30 seconds to see that. He also told me that just about everyone over 5'8" will need to bump their lie angle up if they are using Mizunos. Anyway, back to my post......
Before buying the Mizunos I made many attempts to purchase a set of the Taylor Made RAC CBs off of ebay. I could not find the clubs in any of my local stores (most stores hadn't even heard of them) and I wasn't willing to pay that much for a set of irons. These clubs look gorgeous and sound amazing. Since these clubs retail for over $1200 and I wasn't willing to pay more than $800 I was never successful. (Most auctions close between $8-900)
I'm hoping that someone out there can tell me if these clubs are as good as they look/sound. Also, if I should re-think my Mizuno purchase and continue looking for some CBs. I'm very happy with my Mizunos but if the CBs will improve my game than I would definately go after them.
Thanks in advance for all of your help.
I think if you're over 5' 8" (not counting how you set up and so forth) that's the spot where most players start needing different lie angles on any brand club. I'm right between 1 degree upright and standard, it's annoying. (The rep probably knew by looking at your divot...unless he used one of those wacky plastic boards and the tape which I'm sure he did to varify the divot method). Anyway, CLUBS DON'T HELP YOUR GAME!!!!!!!! Ok, maybe a little, but I doubt if there's much difference between the TM CB's and Mizuno MP-30's. Look at their specs and see what the offset values are...that might contribute a little difference...also check to see what each brand has for loft of various clubs...you can bend them if you want to change them so that shouldn't warrant buying new clubs. Less offset makes it easier to work the ball. Other than that I would guess it's just personal preference...it's not like you're comparing blue light specials with Mizunos. These are two good club manufacturers with two close to premium clubs. Wait, on second thought, buy the TM CB's and sell me the MP-30's for $150.
 Originally Posted by collegegolfer
I think if you're over 5' 8" (not counting how you set up and so forth) that's the spot where most players start needing different lie angles on any brand club. I'm right between 1 degree upright and standard, it's annoying. (The rep probably knew by looking at your divot...unless he used one of those wacky plastic boards and the tape which I'm sure he did to varify the divot method). Anyway, CLUBS DON'T HELP YOUR GAME!!!!!!!! Ok, maybe a little, but I doubt if there's much difference between the TM CB's and Mizuno MP-30's. Look at their specs and see what the offset values are...that might contribute a little difference...also check to see what each brand has for loft of various clubs...you can bend them if you want to change them so that shouldn't warrant buying new clubs. Less offset makes it easier to work the ball. Other than that I would guess it's just personal preference...it's not like you're comparing blue light specials with Mizunos. These are two good club manufacturers with two close to premium clubs. Wait, on second thought, buy the TM CB's and sell me the MP-30's for $150.
Yeah, you're right CG. I'm happy with my Mizunos and I'm going to stick with them. You were also right about the rep seeing my lie needs by watching my divot. In fact, on the first swing (with his back turned to me) he immediately knew that I was "digging" with the standard lie and needed to go up. Thanks for your help.
 Originally Posted by collegegolfer
Wait, on second thought, buy the TM CB's and sell me the MP-30's for $150.
No, buy the TM CB's and sell ME the MP 30's for $150. Why would you rethink your purchase if you love your mizuno's? You will spend thousands upon thousands looking for that magic club and then one day you'll wake up and realize it was you. The Mizuno MP 30 is one of the absolute best half-cavities on the market. Stick with them.
Taylor made CB are definitely try before buy went to a Taylor demo day two weeks ago as I was looking for something to replace my 360s the cbs were so different in feel from the rest of the clubs on demo to me they were very heavy with a real clunky feel at impact. I have been trying a number of manufacturers clubs lately and these were near the bottom of my wish list.
For reference I have a medium swing speed of around 80 mph (irons) and consider myself to be a good striker of the ball but not long.
To summarize your first post, you bought a great set of irons, had them fitted for you perfectly, really like the way they hit, and are asking us if you should switch to different clubs. Did I misread your post? What's going on here?
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