I was just replying to your infraction, thought it was just an email. Didn't know it sent you an infraction. But, I will stand by what I said. I have apologized to the people I owed an apology to and have hopefully made amends with people who are willing to let it go. But to all the instigators out there who demand an apology from me and will not let it go... Dream on.
I was just replying to your infraction, thought it was just an email. Didn't know it sent you an infraction. But, I will stand by what I said. I have apologized to the people I owed an apology to and have hopefully made amends with people who are willing to let it go. But to all the instigators out there who demand an apology from me and will not let it go... Dream on.
Becoming a good golfer, or any worthy endeavor requires humility. This is something that King Solomon valued greatly...
If you cannot apologize to someone you accidentally offended, then you lack the good graces of polite society.
The humblest of people attain the greatest of goals... Pride comes before a crash, and you do not deserve to have any pride at your age; you have accomplished nothing at such a young age...
Honestly qtong? --> I NEVER expected an apology from you; you do not have the class... I was just pushing buttons that your upbringing (low class) could never allow class for...
Having said that, the record shows here on GR that I have apologized a score times two here in the last 12 years... when I am wrong... Anybody here knows I have apologized here before...
Qtong, seriously? --> You would have disappointed me if you apologized; you would not be the low class chink greedy suck-at-golf jackass I know you to be if you had...
And I am always right in my assessment of people via the written word; the written word cannot lie.
Qtong, haven't you heard? Orlando was actually all MY fault. Big Dave in all his genial pleasantness is now the bad guy. This place is worse than a professional wrestling show. :-).
The ultimate achievement in GR self-mastery comes when you have learned to ignore Spanq.
Apologies are so yesterday. It's time for you to start smacktalking. :-)
Cleveland long clubs
Adams Idea Pro irons
Vokey and Cleveland wedges
I was just replying to your infraction, thought it was just an email. Didn't know it sent you an infraction. But, I will stand by what I said. I have apologized to the people I owed an apology to and have hopefully made amends with people who are willing to let it go. But to all the instigators out there who demand an apology from me and will not let it go... Dream on.
We certainly wouldn't expect anything more from you.
There are two kinds of people in the world, those who believe there are two kinds of people in the world and those who don’t.
We certainly wouldn't expect anything more from you.
I all seriousness. I do apologize to the people who are willing to move on. Moving on makes me wrong about you and I am sorry for offending you. For people who like to hold grudges I have no apology for you (because I was spot on with my accusations.)
I was just replying to your infraction, thought it was just an email. Didn't know it sent you an infraction. But, I will stand by what I said. I have apologized to the people I owed an apology to and have hopefully made amends with people who are willing to let it go. But to all the instigators out there who demand an apology from me and will not let it go... Dream on.
Probably what pky6471 was referring to in the other thread about mental attitude. Yours, quite frankly, stinks. Nobody here instigated anything - that would have been you. And you flopped in dealing with it. Crisis doesnt build characer, it reveals it. Ive kept my mouth shut about the whole thing, but your continued arrogance and utter disregard for etiquette and respect deserve challenge. You need to show some humility. Laughing off what you did stinks of immaturity.
Nobody here instigated anything - that would have been you.
Really? I made an irrational mistake by walking off of the course and people began insulting me, my family, my upbringing, and my race. That's not instigating? I've already apologized to my playing partners, who else would I apologize to? People who weren't affected by the walk off but had offensive things to say because they had nothing better to do? For anyone who apologizes to me for insulting me, than an apology is owed.
Really? I made an irrational mistake by walking off of the course and people began insulting me, my family, my upbringing, and my race. That's not instigating? I've already apologized to my playing partners, who else would I apologize to? People who weren't affected by the walk off but had offensive things to say because they had nothing better to do? For anyone who apologizes to me for insulting me, than an apology is owed.
Meh...you need a thicker skin about the other stuff. Focus on what took place that day - there is the issue. The other stuff is meant to needle you. It apparantly worked.
Anyway - ive said my .02....Im done with it. Its yours to deal with.
Boys boys boys. Or should I say girls girls girls. Just look at what GR has become. A bunch of hens clucking about who hurt who’s feelings. I can see some one complaining about any racism because that’s totally uncalled for and totally not needed to really flame somebody. This thread has become so estrogen filled that the moderators are going to put little tampon icons up there with rep power shite. All of your GR Guy Cards are revoked until further notice….
team obnoxious
WITB: Hybrids. The ones that took FamousDavis down......
I thought it had been established that qtong was in fact fully justified in walking off, given that he was playing with a bunch of slow playing, 150 yard off the tee hacks who were played through by 4 blue haired, geriatric coffin dodgers.
Its qtong thats owed an apology or did i miss something?
PS I have given Nosh an infraction for a blatant attempt at being reasonable.
PPS I have been given an infraction by Nosh in what appears to be a childish retaliation to my unreasonable infraction
Boys boys boys. Or should I say girls girls girls. Just look at what GR has become. A bunch of hens clucking about who hurt who’s feelings. I can see some one complaining about any racism because that’s totally uncalled for and totally not needed to really flame somebody. This thread has become so estrogen filled that the moderators are going to put little tampon icons up there with rep power shite. All of your GR Guy Cards are revoked until further notice….
Well said, Noshuz. Unfortunately your opinion has no weight around here, what with you having zero rep power and all.
PPS I have been given an infraction by Nosh in what appears to be a childish retaliation to my unreasonable infraction
No I diunt! I was going to write something nice back to you....I just couldn't think of anything
PS I have given Nosh an infraction for a blatant attempt at being reasonable.
WHAAAAA You hurt my feelings!! BTW If you're trying hurt my beloved reputation......
Last edited by noshuz; 06-23-2011 at 08:39 AM.
team obnoxious
WITB: Hybrids. The ones that took FamousDavis down......
"Just look at what GR has become. A bunch of hens clucking...."
This forum has become a complete waste of time for serious golfers. Fewer and fewer stop here. Like me, they glance through the posts in most threads and see it is the same old, same old boring and offensive street talk. you guys have fouled your own nest.
"Just look at what GR has become. A bunch of hens clucking...."
This forum has become a complete waste of time for serious golfers. Fewer and fewer stop here. Like me, they glance through the posts in most threads and see it is the same old, same old boring and offensive street talk. you guys have fouled your own nest.
Precisely the reason you keep coming back DumA$$
team obnoxious
WITB: Hybrids. The ones that took FamousDavis down......
I thought it had been established that qtong was in fact fully justified in walking off, given that he was playing with a bunch of slow playing, 150 yard off the tee hacks who were played through by 4 blue haired, geriatric coffin dodgers.
Its qtong thats owed an apology or did i miss something?
PS I have given Nosh an infraction for a blatant attempt at being reasonable.
PPS I have been given an infraction by Nosh in what appears to be a childish retaliation to my unreasonable infraction
I'll probably get an infraction for saying this, but.. it's ME that should apologize for slowplaying a bunch of kindly old women who didn't really WANT to play through but were unable to make any other choice because of my deliberate provocative slow play. Qtong was long gone by then and can bear no share of the guilt for my actions. He left early because he could see where this was headed, how I would blow it, and he was just protecting his own reputation.
so.. I"m sorry... I will start taking testosterone injections immediately... I know it's a lot to ask, but.. I will earn back my man card, I promise! Just give me a little more time.
Cleveland long clubs
Adams Idea Pro irons
Vokey and Cleveland wedges
"Just look at what GR has become. A bunch of hens clucking...."
This forum has become a complete waste of time for serious golfers. Fewer and fewer stop here. Like me, they glance through the posts in most threads and see it is the same old, same old boring and offensive street talk. you guys have fouled your own nest.
How serious a golfer can you be with that swing of yours? You can't even break 85. LOLLOLOLOLOLOLO hahahahahhahahahahahaha aaaaaahahahahahahah aaaaaahahhaahahahahh. WWAAAAAAhahahahahaha
There are two kinds of people in the world, those who believe there are two kinds of people in the world and those who don’t.
PPS I have been given an infraction by Nosh in what appears to be a childish retaliation to my unreasonable infraction
No I diunt! I was going to write something nice back to you....I just couldn't think of anything
PS I have given Nosh an infraction for a blatant attempt at being reasonable.
WHAAAAA You hurt my feelings!! BTW If you're trying hurt my beloved reputation......
I was going to give you another infraction for being a nice guy. My conscience has got to me and i just cant do it.
"Just look at what GR has become. A bunch of hens clucking...."
This forum has become a complete waste of time for serious golfers. Fewer and fewer stop here. Like me, they glance through the posts in most threads and see it is the same old, same old boring and offensive street talk. you guys have fouled your own nest.
I thought you were in your "golf is for Canadian losers, i am going to play tennis" phase.
Can you let me know when you become a serious golfer, i seem to have missed it.
I was going to give you another infraction for being a nice guy. My conscience has got to me and i just cant do it.
I love you Nosh.....
I think Qtong could right himself by trading in his Titleist junk for some quality Ping equipment. When you play Ping you become a better person. Just ask Edgey, he and I are regular pals.
There are two kinds of people in the world, those who believe there are two kinds of people in the world and those who don’t.
I think Qtong could right himself by trading in his Titleist junk for some quality Ping equipment. When you play Ping you become a better person. Just ask Edgey, he and I are regular pals.
Actually I thought this site was about the kind of people I would love to play with. Don't take the game that damn serious just go out and have fun. If you get a great round more power to you. If the toilet flushes and it goes down the crapper, well, that happens to everybody. All the people I have ever played with are like the people on this site. Not sitting there talking about their clubs, or how the new driver is the greatest. Just a bunch of guys, bullshiiiiting about everyrthing. Giving each other crap and enjoyoing the day. If golf is that godddddamned serious that it totally controls your life, you have no life.
Bridgestone J38 10.5, Srixon 2,3,4 hybrids. Snake Eyes Viper Tour
Eidolon 52,56 and 60 wedges.
Bettinardi sb-5+ putter.
I all seriousness. I do apologize to the people who are willing to move on. Moving on makes me wrong about you and I am sorry for offending you. For people who like to hold grudges I have no apology for you (because I was spot on with my accusations.)
You keep talk about moving on, but you're still here. Do everyone a favour and move on already douche bag.
The views expressed by Not a Hacker are not meant to be understood by you primitive screw heads. Don't take it personally, just sit back and enjoy the writings of your better.
Qtard = slant eyed son of a low class slope head mother, and a retard chink ass fob father!!!
The apple does not fall far from the tree...
Make like a tree and leave,
p.s. You can apologize to me, and be forgiven, but you were raised with no class. Your parents cannot teach what they don't know, so you do not know, and will never learn, proletarian...
Actually I thought this site was about the kind of people I would love to play with. Don't take the game that damn serious just go out and have fun. If you get a great round more power to you. If the toilet flushes and it goes down the crapper, well, that happens to everybody. All the people I have ever played with are like the people on this site. Not sitting there talking about their clubs, or how the new driver is the greatest. Just a bunch of guys, bullshiiiiting about everyrthing. Giving each other crap and enjoyoing the day. If golf is that godddddamned serious that it totally controls your life, you have no life.
"See honey, just because all i do is play golf,talk golf and spend all my spare time on a (sort of) golf website, doesn't mean I DON'T HAVE A LIFE!!!! NOW STOP WATCHING TV AND GET ME A BEER GODDAMIT.......whilst i bullshite some more"
You! Humility? Used in a sentence? You even had to change your name...come on...what sort of reality show maroon is going to believe you? Seriously? *grin*
Gentlemen.. I appeal to the better angels of your nature.. Qtong did a bad thing... but it's all in the past now.. he's back, he manned up, and if he is still defensive toward some, it is not without good cause.. but the past is the past... can't we all just get along... I am impressed that he has made a full return and am looking forward to what he has to offer here...
lighten up on that young man. Be the genial, good hearted fellows who made this, the GR forum, the most welcoming of places.
Cleveland long clubs
Adams Idea Pro irons
Vokey and Cleveland wedges
Gentlemen.. I appeal to the better angels of your nature.. Qtong did a bad thing... but it's all in the past now.. he's back, he manned up, and if he is still defensive toward some, it is not without good cause.. but the past is the past... can't we all just get along... I am impressed that he has made a full return and am looking forward to what he has to offer here...
lighten up on that young man. Be the genial, good hearted fellows who made this, the GR forum, the most welcoming of places.
He certainly has thick skin to show his face around here after the stunt he pulled. Not to mention his attitude after the event. What I don't understand is that he made it fairly clear at the time that he considers us a bunch of online internet losers with no life. If that's the case why would he want to come back and hang out here?
He certainly has thick skin to show his face around here after the stunt he pulled. Not to mention his attitude after the event. What I don't understand is that he made it fairly clear at the time that he considers us a bunch of online internet losers with no life. If that's the case why would he want to come back and hang out here?
yes.. that gloriously unfathomable return.. you MUST see, KP, you of all people, the potential here... sheite into gold.. humanity in all its complexity... so much for us to learn from this, as it unfolds..
Cleveland long clubs
Adams Idea Pro irons
Vokey and Cleveland wedges
Gentlemen.. I appeal to the better angels of your nature.. Qtong did a bad thing... but it's all in the past now.. he's back, he manned up, and if he is still defensive toward some, it is not without good cause.. but the past is the past... can't we all just get along... I am impressed that he has made a full return and am looking forward to what he has to offer here...
lighten up on that young man. Be the genial, good hearted fellows who made this, the GR forum, the most welcoming of places.
I'm not as regular around here as I've been in the past, but since when did we change it around that qtong owes the apology? Dave, Mward, and Pottsy are the people who need to man up and apologize to the board for their dress, behavior and interminable slow play. Unless something else happened, qtong was 100% in the right.
fred3 antagonizer
2010 recipiant of TRG Commendation of Excellence
Member GR Club 5K
Member GFF Crew
*Plus many more accolades that are the cause of jealousy
yes.. that gloriously unfathomable return.. you MUST see, KP, you of all people, the potential here... sheite into gold.. humanity in all its complexity... so much for us to learn from this, as it unfolds..
Unless Qtong was born in Asia then he would not know this famous Asian slogan "Beat the one that runs away but not those who run back to us" .... or something like that... We should give him a chance to man up and become a better person. Let him rejoin this GR and we all can learn from each other, good or bad, we did not kick the Aussie hacker out, right? use it as a form of entertainment
I'm not as regular around here as I've been in the past, but since when did we change it around that qtong owes the apology? Dave, Mward, and Pottsy are the people who need to man up and apologize to the board for their dress, behavior and interminable slow play. Unless something else happened, qtong was 100% in the right.
Drink more water and increase your fiber intake. As for the apologies, I'll sort it out for you. MWard, Dave and Pottsy owe Q-Tong an apology for their behavior, but Q-Tong owes US an apology for the walkoff. So far Dave is the only one to man up, but I detected a bit of insincerity in his apology and maybe even some sarcasm.
No way that qtong owes anyone here an apology. Qtong, like me, is a member of a private club. We deliberately keep common folk outside the gates, but occasionally we'll let a few in as guests to humiliate them with our wealth/position in society. If guests of mine had the disrespect to treat me as the host the way those GR hooligans did, I assume I'd walk off as well. I have to assume because no guest of mine has ever dared to be so disgraceful towards me and my lovely SPCC.
I just feel that he owes us an apology for the nonconfrontational manner in which he walked off. He had an opportunity to cause a real scene and he let us down.
I thought it had been established that qtong was in fact fully justified in walking off, given that he was playing with a bunch of slow playing, 150 yard off the tee hacks who were played through by 4 blue haired, geriatric coffin dodgers.
Its qtong thats owed an apology or did i miss something?
PS I have given Nosh an infraction for a blatant attempt at being reasonable.
PPS I have been given an infraction by Nosh in what appears to be a childish retaliation to my unreasonable infraction
Save one of those infractions to stick up your bloody arse!
(Wow, 4 days without internet access, that felt good!)
Mizuno irons -- made by Hattori Hanzo, forged in the fires of Mt. Fujiyama.
Save one of those infractions to stick up your bloody arse!
(Wow, 4 days without internet access, that felt good!)
Better than 4 days without sex in Oklahoma? Those girls from OSU were wilder than CA girls, ... seemed like the less they talk that translates more into actions
Drink more water and increase your fiber intake. As for the apologies, I'll sort it out for you. MWard, Dave and Pottsy owe Q-Tong an apology for their behavior, but Q-Tong owes US an apology for the walkoff. So far Dave is the only one to man up, but I detected a bit of insincerity in his apology and maybe even some sarcasm.
No way that qtong owes anyone here an apology. Qtong, like me, is a member of a private club. We deliberately keep common folk outside the gates, but occasionally we'll let a few in as guests to humiliate them with our wealth/position in society. If guests of mine had the disrespect to treat me as the host the way those GR hooligans did, I assume I'd walk off as well. I have to assume because no guest of mine has ever dared to be so disgraceful towards me and my lovely SPCC.
fred3 antagonizer
2010 recipiant of TRG Commendation of Excellence
Member GR Club 5K
Member GFF Crew
*Plus many more accolades that are the cause of jealousy
qtong, presumably unlike you, does not pay his own membership dues. I suggest it is an important distinction within the framework of your implications regarding private club membership bonhomie, social rules, etc. One presumes a certain equity of life position among members, and it adds to the bonhomie. He is on a different level and should not be the beneficiary of the same good natured presumptions you make for the rest of your SPCC fellow members.
I"m just sayin'...
I hope to our dear lord you are implying that the Tonger has been granted some sort of honorary membership for being a gifted golfer. If Tongdiggity is playing off his parents' membership, my tune on this whole matter will change dramatically.
If he isn't a paying member, he shouldn't even be allowed on the course during a weekend before 2pm.
fred3 antagonizer
2010 recipiant of TRG Commendation of Excellence
Member GR Club 5K
Member GFF Crew
*Plus many more accolades that are the cause of jealousy
No way that qtong owes anyone here an apology. Qtong, like me, is a member of a private club. We deliberately keep common folk outside the gates, but occasionally we'll let a few in as guests to humiliate them with our wealth/position in society. If guests of mine had the disrespect to treat me as the host the way those GR hooligans did, I assume I'd walk off as well. I have to assume because no guest of mine has ever dared to be so disgraceful towards me and my lovely SPCC.
You been into the same halucinogenic drugs as Larry? You been imagining a Canadian basement dwelling loser stalking you too?
The views expressed by Not a Hacker are not meant to be understood by you primitive screw heads. Don't take it personally, just sit back and enjoy the writings of your better.
No way that qtong owes anyone here an apology. Qtong, like me, is a member of a private club. We deliberately keep common folk outside the gates, but occasionally we'll let a few in as guests to humiliate them with our wealth/position in society. If guests of mine had the disrespect to treat me as the host the way those GR hooligans did, I assume I'd walk off as well. I have to assume because no guest of mine has ever dared to be so disgraceful towards me and my lovely SPCC.
qtong, presumably unlike you, does not pay his own membership dues. I suggest it is an important distinction within the framework of your implications regarding private club membership bonhomie, social rules, etc. One presumes a certain equity of life position among members, and it adds to the bonhomie. He is on a different level and should not be the beneficiary of the same good natured presumptions you make for the rest of your SPCC fellow members.
I"m just sayin'...
Cleveland long clubs
Adams Idea Pro irons
Vokey and Cleveland wedges
No way that qtong owes anyone here an apology. Qtong, like me, is a member of a private club. We deliberately keep common folk outside the gates, but occasionally we'll let a few in as guests to humiliate them with our wealth/position in society. If guests of mine had the disrespect to treat me as the host the way those GR hooligans did, I assume I'd walk off as well. I have to assume because no guest of mine has ever dared to be so disgraceful towards me and my lovely SPCC.
When I was a member at a club in Dallas I brought a guest from work to play. He was the rudest guest I have ever brought to a club. He actually yelled at the group in front of us to hurry up and I told him to quit being an arsehole. At one time he said "I'm not going to waste good balls on this course". I paid his $100 guest fee and he didn't even say thanks. After 18 holes I guess he wanted more freebies and asked if we were going to the bar. I told him I was and he wasn't. I also told him that he was the rudest person I had ever played golf with. He got all pissy and didn't talk to me at work after that. Lucky me.
There are two kinds of people in the world, those who believe there are two kinds of people in the world and those who don’t.